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Call for Book Chapters:

Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


This book introduces the reader to using empirical research methods in exploring software security challenges. These methods include data analytics, questionnaires, interviews, and surveys that produce evidence for or against given claims. The book provides the foundations for using these empirical methods of collecting evidence about tools, techniques, methods, and processes for developing secure software using practical examples.

Developing secure software requires the integration of methods, such as threat modeling and risk assessment and the integration of tools, such as security testing and code analysis tools into the development process. The design of such methods and processes is in general an artistic endeavor that is based on the shared expert knowledge, claims, and opinions. Empirical research methods allow extracting knowledge and insights from the data that organizations collect from their processes and tools and from the opinions of the experts who practice these processes and methods. This knowledge extraction contributes to maturing the design and adaptation of these techniques, methods, and processes.

Example of the topics of interest include:

  • The science of secure software
  • Survey of threat modeling techniques
  • Empirical research in software security
  • The fundamentals of data analytics for secure software
  • Assessment of the challenges of developing secure software using the agile approach
  • Assessment of the usability of security code analysis tools
  • The impact of security assessment on the developers' security awareness
  • The efficiency of security training
  • Combinatorial testing for software security

Important dates

  • Deadline chapter proposal submissions 15 February, 2016
  • Proposal acceptance notifications February 28, 2016
  • Deadline for manuscript submission 15 May, 2016
  • Manuscript acceptance notifications 30 June, 2016
  • Deadline for final manuscript submissions 30 August, 2016


  • Lotfi ben Othmane, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany
  • Martin Gilje Jaatun, SINTEF, Norway
  • Edgar Weippl, SBA Research, Austria

Submission procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before February 15, 2016, the chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of their proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by February 28, 2016 about the status of their proposals. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by May 15, 2016. All submitted chapters will be reviewed by 3 or more reviewers. All proposals should be submitted through easychair using the following link:


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