Visible to the public PETRA'16 - Call for Workshop PapersConflict Detection Enabled

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9th Annual PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference

Corfu Island, Greece | June 29 - July 1 |

Dear Colleague,

The deadlines have passed for full/short paper submissions. If you are still interested in submitting a full/short paper to PETRA'16, we would like to welcome you to submit to our workshops.

We are currently hosting five workshops:

  1. (SleepMon) Unobtrusive Sleep Monitoring Technologies for Sleep Disorder Assessment
  2. (SIPDA) Spectral Imaging Processing and Data Analytics for life quality improvement in public spaces, urban environments
  3. (AHA Living Labs) Active and Healthy Ageing Living Labs
  4. (NOTION) Human Behaviour Monitoring, Interpretation and Understanding
  5. (PrivML) Privacy and Security Aware Machine Learning and Data Mining

The deadline for submission to any of these workshops is March 13, 2016.
Please see the workshop webpage for details:

Best Regards,
PETRA 2016 Organizing Committee

The submission and registration systems are open at:

PETRA is an interdisciplinary conference with focus on pervasive computing and assistive technologies that range from assistive robotics to speech technologies, machine learning, gesture analysis, orthotics, smart rehabilitation, diagnostic game development, multimodal sensor fusion, vocational safety and health, avatar design, virtual reality, and other topics.

Important Dates

  • Full/Short Paper Submission Deadline: Feb. 20, 2016
  • Poster Paper Submission Deadline: Mar. 20, 2016
  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: Mar 13, 2016

The event flyer can be downloaded at