Why are the SoS Hard Problems not mapped to the 7 core, inter-related, SoS themes?

The 04 March 2011 Joint Statement of Understanding on the Science of Security between NSA's Information Assurance Directorate, CSE (formerly CSEC), and CESG defined 7 core themes that form the foundational basis of the Science of Security discipline. The themes are strongly inter-related, and mutually inform and benefit each other.
See http://cps-vo.org/node/20575 for more information on the 2011 SoS JSOU.
In 2012, the NSA Research Directorate in collaboration with the academic community identified 5 hard problems that present significant technical challenges that will benefit from scientific research methods.
See http://cps-vo.org/node/6056 for more information on the 2012 SoS Hard Problems.
I've not seen a mapping of how the 5 hard problems align to the 7 core, inter-related, themes that form the foundational basis for the SoS discipline. I've not seen any research papers that focuses on the 5 SoS hard problems that show how the research supports or aligns to the 7 core themes and there appears to be a disconnect. Normally research references or takes advantage of previous work in the discipline. I'm surprised I've not seen anything connecting the dots between the 2012 SoS 5 hard problems sponsored by the NSA Research Directorate and the 7 core, inter-related, themes that form the foundation of the SoS discipline defined in 2011 by the NSA Information Assurance Directorate and their international partners.