Visible to the public Bullet M2 interface with UAVConflict Detection Enabled

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simpspr's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Feb 3 2016

I'm confused about how to interface the Bullet M2 with the UAV. I have the Bullet connected to the provided female RJ45 that splits into an RJ45 and a female barrel plug. That RJ45 is connected to my laptop ethernet jack and the barrel plug is connected to the provided power supply which is plugged into an outlet. All the lights are lit on the Bullet. (See attached picture) The Picostation is connected to the NUC via the ethernet cable and the UAV is powered on.

What steps need to be taken to access the NUC with the Bullet plugged into the computer?

There are three different IP addresses in our UAV package:

- One on the Bullet M2

- One on the Picostation

- One on the top of the UAV (I assume that is for the NUC)

Do I have to SSH into one of these addresses?

- Pierce

jnaneshwar's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Oct 21 2015
Re: Bullet M2 interface with UAV

Hi Pierce,

You are correct. The IP address on the top of the UAV is that of the NUC. The one on the picostation is for the picostation (you wont be needing this, apart from when testing the link). The IP address on the Bullet M2 is also not needed for connecting.

Steps for connecting to the NUC.

1) Connect/power everything up as you already have.

2) Set the IP address of your laptop to something in the 192.168.54.xx IP range that doesnt comflict with the NUC, Picostation, and M2 address. Set the subnet mask to, and gateway to

3) Power on the NUC by pressing the small button on the top ( The fan should start rotating.

4) Ping the NUC, i.e.,, and when reachable, ssh uavuser@

(password: uavuser)

5) Search for 'roslaunch mavros" and "roslaunch bluefox2" in bash history. These should start mavros, and bluefox camera nodes.

6) The NUC also has the SITL stack installed, so you can try the instructions from the github repo to run these.


simpspr's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Feb 3 2016
Thanks, JD!

Thanks, JD!

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