NYCDOT CV Pilot Site Concept of Operations Webinar

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS-JPO) announces a webinar which will focus on presenting the Concept of Operations for the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Pilot site.
New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) CV Pilot Site Concept of Operations Webinar
Sponsored by USDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO), the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program seeks to combine connected vehicle and mobile device technologies in innovative and cost-effective ways. Ultimately, this program will improve traveler mobility and system productivity while reducing environmental impacts and enhancing safety. The USDOT has selected three pilot sites, where teams are in the process of conducting Phase 1 Concept Development activities leading to later phases (Phase 2 Design/Build/Test and Phase 3 Operations). The three selected pilot sites are ICF/Wyoming, Tampa (THEA) and New York City.
During the Concept Development Phase, there will be three public webinars from each pilot site to provide all interested parties a sense of the key issues addressed in each deployment, the conceptual approach, and expected deployment impacts. This Concept of Operations webinar is the first of three webinars focusing on: issues to be addressed at the deployment site, the deployment concept, and insights gained from stakeholder engagement activities during concept development process. The next webinar will discuss how the sites plan to measure and monitor the success of the sites in meeting the performance goals of the deployment with respect to safety, mobility and environmental impacts. The last webinar will be on the comprehensive deployment plan prior to Phase 2, which brings together the deployment concept, the performance measurement plan, and other areas (e.g., safety management, privacy, security, participant training, and application development and integration).
Stay tuned for more upcoming public webinars from the three pilot sites by visiting the program's website at:
Webinar Information:
Date: April 1, 2016
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
- Jonathan Walker - Transportation Research Specialist - Office of Transportation Management, Federal Highway Administration
- Steve Galgano - NYCDOT Project Manager
Webinar Details:
New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) leads the NYCDOT Pilot project that intends to improve the safety of travelers and pedestrians in New York City through the deployment of vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) connected vehicle (CV) technologies. This objective is directly aligned with the City's Vision Zero initiative, which seeks to reduce crashes and pedestrian fatalities and increase the safety of travelers in all modes of transportation. NYC's planned deployment provides an ideal opportunity to evaluate CV technology and applications in tightly-spaced intersections typical in a dense urban transportation system and is anticipated to be the largest CV technology deployment to date. It is anticipated that approximately 250 intersections in Midtown Manhattan and central Brooklyn will be instrumented with Roadside Equipment (RSE) to communicate with up to 10,000 vehicles (taxis, buses, commercial fleet delivery trucks, and City-owned vehicles) equipped with After-market Safety Devices (ASD). These devices will monitor communications with other connected vehicles and infrastructure and will provide alerts to vehicle drivers/operators to act on.
To register for this ITS/JPO webinar, please visit:
For more information on the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program, please visit the program's website at:
For more information on the ITS Joint Program Office and current sponsored programs, please visit: