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Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization
Read-only archive of site from September 29, 2023.
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Beyond Stability: Performance, Efficiency and Disturbance Management for Smart Infrastructure Systems
Submitted by dennice on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 4:19pm
Project Details
Lead PI:
Dennice Gayme
Performance Period:
Johns Hopkins University
National Science Foundation
Award Number:
1132 Reads. Placed 325 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Infrastructure networks are the foundation of the modern world. Their continued reliable and efficient function without exhausting finite natural resources is critical to the security, continued growth and technological advancement of the United States. Currently these systems are in a state of rapid flux due to a collision of trends such as growing populations, expanding integration of information technology, and increasing motivation to adopt sustainable practices. These trends beget both exciting potential benefits and dangerous challenges. Added sensing, communication, and computational capabilities hold the promise of increased reliability, efficiency and sustainability from "smart" infrastructure systems. At the same time, new technologies such as renewable energy resources in power systems, autonomous vehicles, and software defined communication networks, are testing the limits of current operational and market policies. The rapidly changing suite of system components can cause new, unforeseen interactions that can lead to instability, performance deterioration, or catastrophic failures. Achieving the full benefits of these systems will require a shift from the existing focus on approaches that analyze each aspect of interest in isolation, to a more holistic view that encompasses all of the relevant factors such as stability, robustness, performance and efficiency, and takes into account the presence of human participants. This project provides a research roadmap to construct analysis, design and control tools that ensure the seamless integration of computational algorithms, physical components and human interactions in next generation infrastructure systems. Although there has been a great deal of research on stability questions in large scale distributed systems, there has been little effort directed toward questions of performance, robustness and efficiency in these systems, especially those with heterogeneous components and human participants. This research employs coupled oscillator systems as a common modeling framework to (i) characterize stability and performance of infrastructure systems, and (ii) develop distributed controllers that guarantee performance, efficiency and robustness by isolating disturbances and optimizing performance objectives. Practical solutions require that the theory be tightly integrated with the economic mechanisms necessary to incentivize users to enhance system stability, efficiency and reliability; therefore the work will also include the design of economic controls. In order to ground the mathematical foundations, theory and algorithms described above, the results will be applied to three target infrastructure networks where coupled oscillator models have played a foundational role in design and control: power, communication, and transportation systems. This approach allows the development of cross-cutting, fundamental principles that can be applied across problem specific boundaries and ensures that the research makes an impact on these specific infrastructure networks. This project will also incorporate concepts into existing undergraduate and graduate courses.
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