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TitleToward a Normative Approach for Forensicability: Extended Abstract
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsOzgur Kafali, Munindar P. Singh, Laurie Williams
Conference NameProceedings of the International Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS)
Date Published04/2016
Conference LocationPittsburgh
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4277-3/16/04
KeywordsForensic logging, requirements, security, social norms, sociotechnical systems

Sociotechnical systems (STSs), where users interact with software components, support automated logging, i.e., what a user has performed in the system. However, most systems do not implement automated processes for inspecting the logs when a misuse happens. Deciding what needs to be logged is crucial as excessive amounts of logs might be overwhelming for human analysts to inspect. The goal of this research is to aid software practitioners to implement automated forensic logging by providing a systematic method of using attackers' malicious intentions to decide what needs to be logged. We propose Lokma: a normative framework to construct logging rules for forensic knowledge. We describe the general forensic process of Lokma, and discuss related directions.

Citation KeyHotSoS-16:Lokma
Refereed DesignationRefereed