Visible to the public Component, Context, and Manufacturing Model Library - 2 (C2M2L-2)

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Katie Dey
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Joined: Oct 13 2010

DARPA's Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) portfolio of programs is aimed at compressing at least five-fold the development timelines for new complex cyber-electro-mechanical systems such as military vehicles. Under AVM, DARPA is pursuing the development of several elements of enabling infrastructure aimed at radically transforming the systems engineering/design/verification (META /META-II ), manufacturing (iFAB ), and innovation ( ) elements of the overall "make" process for delivering new defense systems or variants. Each of these infrastructure capabilities is largely generic, i.e., applicable to any cyber-electro-mechanical system.

In order to exercise these capabilities in the context of a relevant military system, DARPA intends to build FANG -the Fast, Adaptable, Next-Generation Ground Vehicle-a new heavy infantry fighting vehicle (IFV). FANG's functional requirements will mirror those for the Marine Corps' Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV). A series of three design challenges focused on subsystems of increasing complexity will ultimately result in the FANG vehicle being built in the iFAB Foundry.

The present Component, Context, and Manufacturing Model Library 2 (C2M2L-2, pronounced "camel 2") solicitation is for the second round of domain-specific models needed to enable the design, verification, and fabrication of the chassis and survivability subsystems of the FANG vehicle using the META, iFAB, and infrastructure. (The first of these challenges is focused on the mobility and drivetrain subsystems, and is supported by the C2M2L-1 effort.) A subsequent C2M2L solicitation is expected to address all of the remaining subsystem domains needed to construct and verify a complete infantry fighting vehicle.

Important Dates:
Posting Date: February 24, 2012
Response Date: April 24, 2012

Solicitation Number: DARPA-BAA-12-30
Notice Type: Presolicitation
Agency: Other Defense Agencies
Office: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Location: Contracts Management Office

See the full DARPA-BAA-12-30 solicitation.