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The 16th workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM16)

30 Oct 2016 | Amsterdam, Netherlands |

Colocated with SPLASH

Submission deadline: 15 August

Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) provides a modern solution to demands for higher productivity by constricting the gap between problem and solution modeling. In the past, productivity gains have been sought from new programming languages. Domain-specific languages and modeling provide a viable solution for continuing to raise the level of abstraction beyond coding, making development faster and easier for all participants.

The workshop welcomes submissions that address Domain-Specific Modeling on practical or theoretical levels. They can be research papers, experience reports, position papers or demonstration papers. Some of the issues that we would like to see addressed in this workshop are:

  • Industry/academic experience reports describing success/failure in implementing and using DSM languages/tools
  • Approaches to identify constructs for DSM languages
  • Novel features in language workbenches / tools to support DSM
  • Approaches to implement metamodel-based modeling languages
  • Metamodeling frameworks and languages
  • Modularization technologies for DSM languages and models
  • Novel approaches for code generation from domain-specific models
  • Issues of support/maintenance for systems built with DSM
  • Evolution of languages along with their domain
  • Organizational and process issues in DSM adoption and use

See details and submission guidelines at Papers will be published in ACM DL.