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Hello all,

With profound pleasure, I am delighted to report that the GCTC Expo was a great success! Many thanks to all of the 2000 attendees and exhibitors who joined us live in Austin, TX. I enjoyed meeting you all and I look forward to the next phase of the Global City Teams Challenge. Please scroll down for event highlights and exciting GCTC opportunities.

Special Thanks

At the Expo, participants and attendees had the opportunity to hear from Federal and Mayoral keynote speakers as they were discussing the future of smart cities and the role of synergetic relationships between the cities and the innovative IoT technologies. I would like to thank all of the panelists and speakers for the in-depth discussions on this subject.

Additionally, I would like to thank all of our international speakers and corporate partners for their presentations, industry expertise and participation in the GCTC Expo.

Finally, thank you to all of the GCTC Action Clusters for your hard work and presentations. To view the presentations, please visit:

New Opportunities for GCTC Teams

Smart City Works is a premier business accelerator uniquely focused on civil infrastructure and improving livability and resilience in cities. An exciting new initiative in partnership with US Ignite and NIST will give qualified Global City Challenge Teams an opportunity to compete for financial support and technical resources that are made available to companies offered a spot in a Smart City Works cohort class.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS), part of US Department of Commerce, announced a new joint venture partnership (JVP) opportunity. The activities conducted by joint ventures may support several federal priorities for the Data Economy such as Big Data, Open Data, Open Access, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Internet-of-Things.

GCTC Expo Highlights

A few months back, GCTC announced a Leadership Award opportunity for the GCTC Action Clusters. This award was intended for exceptional Action Clusters to advance their project's objectives and the objectives of the Global City Teams Challenge. It is with great pleasure that I am able to share the winners of the 2016 GCTC Leadership Award:

Connected Intelligent Transport - Grand Prize Winner of $20,000
Project Description: The Connected Intelligent Transportation project focuses on developing a sensor-connected "smart" corridor in Portland, OR where transit data, traffic signalization, and air quality sensing are made available in a data portal with data visualization and analytics to improve transportation options, public health, economic development, and civic engagement. Accepting the award was Kevin Martin, Technology Services Manager, City of Portland, Christine Kendrick, Signals, Street Lighting and ITS, City of Portland, Kristin Tufte, Assistant Professor, Portland State University, Wilfred Pinfold, Portland State University, and Mike Reich, Seaborne Consulting.

SCALE: Safe Community Awareness and Alerting Network
Project Description: The SCALE project located in Montgomery County, MD has connected homes with devices that detect emergency events and send alerts to residents, caregivers and emergency responders via phone or app. The SCALE project's objectives include helping aging households in Montgomery County live independently and more confidently, connecting vulnerable residents in the County to critical services more efficiently and preventing deaths from common accidents among seniors.

IoT-Based IDP Tracking and Monitoring System
Project Description: Based in the Taraba, Nigeria, the IoT-Based IDP Tracking and Monitoring System project will establish IoT tracking systems to identify Internally Displaced Persons. This platform will also help ensure that aid meant for Internally Displaced Persons is delivered correctly and is not misplaced.

Hyperlocal Testbeds for Citizen Science
Project Description: The Hyperlocal Testbeds for Citizen Science project will create a sensor-rich environment in the City of Boston. Residents will be able to engage the tesbeds through real-time, interactive games and exhibits tailored to expose them to a variety of different "smart city" initiatives, including those created by the City of Boston, various labs at MIT and other stakeholders.

Congratulations to you all, and we look forward to seeing how your projects will grow and flourish!

In the Media

StateScoop - From using wearables to cutting down on domestic violence to installing sensors to building better bike lanes, governments from around the globe are hoping to use the Internet of Things to get smarter

WRAL Tech Wire - Bringing together over 200 cities and their respective leadership to network, share ideas, and showcase each region's innovative technologies. RTCC's mission is to accelerate the growth of the Region's cleantech community and promote the region as a leader in the development and deployment of cleantech and smart cities innovation.

Medium - Are we ready for naked transparency? That's the question Stacey Higginbotham explores in her blog piece from Smart Community Week.

KXAN - Dr. Chris Greer with the National Institute of Standards and Technology joined the KXAN studio to discuss the GCTC Expo.

Now that the GCTC 2016 Expo is behind us, we are looking forward to Phase Two of the Global City Teams Challenge, which will focus on the deployment of solutions and the demonstration of project impact. We will be able to see how the efforts of 90+ teams can make a real difference in our communities over the next 12 months. Stay tuned!

Best Regards,

Sokwoo Rhee

Associate Director of Cyber-Physical Systems Program

National Institute of Standards and Technology