ARM 2016
15th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2016)
held in conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX ACM International Middleware Conference
The 15th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2016) follows on the success of over a decade of previous editions exploring how reflective approaches and associated techniques can support the life-cycle of adaptive middleware platforms. Such systems must adapt and tailor their behavior and properties to increasing levels of dynamism and unprecedented scales. Adaptation and reflection mechanisms must take into account novel models of computation and new classes of applications such as networked and cloud applications, the Internet of Things and their combination. Applying reflective techniques to open-up the implementation of middleware and related software platforms for interoperability, one-to-many deployment, and adaptability proved particularly successful and influential. Reflection by itself is today considered a baseline. Its combination with other software adaptation techniques has proven beneficial to extend the reach to different layers of the software stack. Further consolidating this approach can allow delivering the flexibility demanded by today's ever diversifying middleware environments, which require higher and higher degrees of adaptability and resilience.
ARM 2016 aims at providing researchers with a leading edge view on the state of the art in reflective and adaptive middleware, and on the challenging problems that remain unsolved. This edition follows the path initiated in recent editions, by bringing together experts involved in designing and reusing adaptive systems at different system layers, including architectural, OS, virtualization technology, and network layers, as well as in using techniques that are complementary to reflection. The workshop will provide an exciting environment in which to leverage cooperation among researchers.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Design and performance of adaptive and/or reflective middleware platforms;
- Experiences with adaptive and reflective technologies in specific domains (e.g., sensor networks, ubiquitous/pervasive computing, mobile computing, Internet of Things, cloud/grid computing, P2P, Systems-of-Systems);
- Cross-layer interactions and adaptation mechanisms including network, OS, VM & device level techniques;
- Adaptation and reflection in the presence of heterogeneous execution and programming paradigms;
- Application of adaptive and reflective middleware techniques to achieve: reconfigurability and/or adaptability and/or separation of concerns; reuse; and reification of adaptation techniques and strategies;
- Incorporating non-functional properties into middleware: real-time, fault-tolerance, security, trust, privacy and so on;
- Fundamental developments in the theory and practice of reflection, adaptation and control, as it relates to middleware and its interaction with other layers;
- Techniques to improve performance and/or scalability of adaptive and reflective mechanisms;
- Evaluation methodologies for adaptive and reflective middleware; guidelines, testbeds and benchmarks;
- Approaches to maintain the integrity of adaptive and reflective technologies; convergence of adaptation.
- Tool support for adaptive and reflective middleware;
- Design and programming abstractions to manage the complexity of adaptive and reflective mechanisms;
- Software engineering methodologies for the design and development of adaptive middleware;
- Methods for reasoning, storing and dynamically updating knowledge about the services provided by adaptive/reflective middleware;
- The role of techniques such as learning in the design of long-lived adaptive middleware;
- Methods for asynchronous, distributed, control, coordination/cooperation among components providing middleware services;
- Metrics on properties such as cost-of-adaptation, quality-of-adaptation, consistency-of-adaptation, yields.
- Rudiger Kapitza (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
- Etienne Riviere (Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland)
- Kyoungho An (RTI Inc, USA)
- Gordon S. Blair (Lancaster University, UK)
- Fabio M. Costa (Federal University of Goias, Brazil)
- Edward Curry (NUI Galway, Ireland)
- Tobias Distler (FAU, Germany)
- Frank Eliassen (University of Oslo, Norway)
- Paulo Ferreira (INESC-ID, Portugal)
- Marisol Garcia Valls (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
- Kurt Geihs (Uni Kassel, Germany)
- Nikolaos Georgantas (Inria, France)
- Paul Grace (IT Innovation - University of Southampton, UK)
- Gang Huang (Peking University, China)
- Wouter Joosen (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Fabio Kon (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Thomas Ledoux (Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France)
- Philippe Merle (Inria, France)
- Jan S. Rellermeyer (IBM, USA)
- Francois Taiani (University of Rennes 1, France)
- Luis Veiga (Universidade de Lisboa - INESC-ID, Portugal)
- Nalini Venkatasubramanian (University of California Irvine, USA)