Visible to the public ESmart Energy for a Smart Grid Consortium UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied ScienceConflict Detection Enabled

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Kick Off Meeting - September 20, 2016

On September 20, 2016, UCLA is hosting its kickoff meeting to present the UCLA Consortium on Energy for a Smart Grid (ESmart). ESmart objectives include developing advanced technology, prototypes, demonstrations, and innovative products in the areas of smart grids, microgrids, grid-connected electric vehicles and autonomous electric vehicles, demand response, renewable energy - including solar and wind - integration, battery energy storage system (BESS) integration, smart appliances, smart homes and buildings, Internet of Things (IOT) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER). This will enable achievement of a Modern Grid with greater amounts of solar and wind renewable energy resources, larger numbers of electric vehicles and batteries for energy storage, a more efficient, resilient, reliable and safe electric power grid, and one that serves the needs of the 21st Century customer.

The activities at ESmart would leverage the research, innovations and infrastructure resulting from over $15 million dollars of funded R&D to UCLA over the last five years through a variety of grants from the following: UCLA's participation in the $120M funded DOE Smart Grid Regional Demonstration grant to Los Angeles Department of Water and Power in which UCLA is one of the partners; Korea Institute for Energy Research; Electric Power Research Institute; California Energy Commission; and various industry partners and donors.

The event will include speakers from electric utilities and ESmart researchers, technology demonstrations by graduate students, tours of research facilities on campus, discussions on planned activities and deliverables of the ESmart Consortium. The goals of the consortium - which will be based on collaboration between utilities, industry, government and academia to work on research and technology demonstrations under the advisory of utilities - will be discussed.


Due to space limitation, we are requiring all interested parties to submit an application to be reviewed before being allowed to register. You will be contacted for further details about registration. Please use your corporate/employee email ID when applying. This application does not register you for the workshop.


Some of the following members of the SMERC/ESmart Leadership Council (Advisory) will be invited to speak:

  • Southern California Edison
  • Pacific Gas and Electric
  • Sempra U.S. Gas and Energy
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District
  • Consolidated Edison
  • Commonwealth Edison
  • Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technologies
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Labs
  • Lawrence Livermore National Labs
  • National Renewable Energy Labs


At the event, we will discuss benefits to consortium members which include:

  • Sponsor acknowledgement
  • Invitation to workshops and annual research review (first one scheduled for Sep 20, 2016)
  • Early access to research information
  • Early access to certain data
  • Participation in demonstration projects
  • Students and recruitment
  • Funding and project opportunities
  • Testbed access
  • Training and HR


Adrienne Grier
Manager, Smart Grid Programs

Bryan Hannegan
Associate Laboratory Director, Energy Systems Integration
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Colton Ching
Vice President, Energy Delivery
Hawaiian Electric Company

David Wollman
Deputy Director, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office
U.S. Department of Commerce - NIST

Jayathi Murthy
Dean, Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of California, Los Angeles

Jim Parks
Program Manager, Energy Research and Development
Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Mark Feasal
Vice President, Electric Utility Segment & Smart Grid
Schneider Electric

Mary Ann Piette
Senior Scientist and Director of the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

[Mike Gravely
Deputy Division Chief of the Energy Research and Development Division
California Energy Commission

Rajit Gadh
UCLA Smart Grid Energy Research Center

Ramanath Ramakrishnan
EVP & Chief Technology Officer

Suna Taymaz
Director, Corporate Strategy Development
Pacific Gas and Electric Company