1st workshop on "Collaboration of Academia and Industry for Real World Embedded Systems" (CAIRES)
at Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek)
The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers and engineers in order to find ways to solve some of the most pressing, and yet underestimated problems in the design of complex embedded systems:
(a). How to transfer appropriately abstracted, yet-not-trivialized problem statements from industry to research;
(b). How to effectively transfer methods and tools developed during research back into the industry; and the related
problem of objectively measuring the quality of methods and tools developed (e.g., recommended benchmarks)
Problems with Current Approaches for Transferring Industrial Problems to Research
It has been seen from recent scientific publications in the area of embedded systems that research statements are often over-simplified versions of the actual industrial problem. In some cases, such an over-simplification is necessary in order to focus on a particular aspect of the problem being investigated. However, quite often, such an over-simplification leads to solutions which cannot be applied as critical practical constraints have been overlooked.
Often, the primary reason for such an over-simplification is the lack of proper (i.e., precise) communication from the industry about its own problems to the research community. In other words, an industrial partner does not have enough time (or expertise, or resources) to come up with an appropriate abstraction of the industrial problem.
Problems with Current Transfer of Methods and Tools Back Into Industry
Often, the methods and tools developed by the research community cannot be applied without significant reimplementation effort thereby significantly decreases the probability that such state-of-the-art methods and tools are rapidly introduced into the industry.
A major reason for such a re-implementation effort is the mismatch between performance expected out of such methods and tools by the industry, and the actual performance delivered.
What Is In It For You: The Participant?
If you are a researcher and you have felt that the methods, algorithms, or tools developed by you (or your group) have not made the impact in the industry which these deserve, and you would like to work towards a more effective transfer of technology to the industry, then this workshop is for you. On the other hand, if you are from the industry and feel that your group is facing significant challenges in leveraging the innovation happening at the universities, then make sure you attend this workshop.
The organizers have invited carefully selected speakers who have significant experience working in industry-academia collaboration for solving practical, and complex industrial problems in the field of embedded systems.
The speakers have first-hand experience in how to effectively transform an industrial problem into a research problem, and also the aspects which must be considered when developing corresponding methods and tools, if these are to be rapidly adopted by the industry.
Confirmed Speakers
1. Dirk Ziegenbein (Bosch, Germany)
2. Rainer Leupers (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
3. Jim Kapinski (Toyota Motors, USA)
4. Alexandre Esper (Critical Software, Portugal)
5. Bjorn Brandenburg (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany)
6. Arvind Easwaran (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
7. Michael Deubzer (Timing-Architects, Germany)
8. Pavel Zaykov (Honeywell, USA)
9. *pending confirmation
Brief Workshop Program
The workshop will have two parts: talks by speakers, an interactive session. Further details will be available on the workshop website:
Regular Talks*: Each speaker will deliver a 25 minute talk detailing one or more specific aspects of twin challenges that form the theme of the workshop. Each talk will be followed by a 5-minute Q/A session.
Interactive Session: A 60 to 90 minute session has been reserved for interaction. For this activity, one of more groups consisting of participants and speakers from industry as well as traditional research organizations will be formed. Each group will be encouraged to look at one (or more) open industrial embedded system design problem, and work together in order to derive a research statement which is precise and non-trivialized. Furthermore, each group will also work to formalize expectations on the methods and tools that will be acceptable to one or more industrial partners. It is expected that the industrial partners will pilot the methods and tools in their respective organizations and provide quality feedback to the research partners.
Location and Timing of the Workshop
Date: October 6, 2016.
Room: Marquis B.
Other Useful Information
ESWeek 2016:
Registration: Open now at Registration for the Thursday workshop(s) mandatory for participating in the CAIRES workshop.
Organizing Committee
* Rolf Ernst (TU Braunschweig)
* Marco Di Natale (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, Italy)
* Sascha Uhrig (Airbus Research)
* Sophie Quinton (Inria Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes)
* Devendra Rai (Bosch Corporate Research)