Real-time Privacy Risk Evaluation and Enforcement - October 2016
Public Audience
Purpose: To highlight progress. Information is generally at a higher level which is accessible to the interested public.
PI(s): Travis Breaux (CMU)
1) HARD PROBLEM(S) ADDRESSED (with short descriptions)
This refers to Hard Problems, released November 2012.
- Security-Metrics-Driven-Evaluation, Design, Development and Deployment. Our research investigates new methods to measure privacy risk based on how systems collect and share personal information.
- Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior. Our research applies theory from psychology and judgement and decision science concerning how individuals perceive benefits, assess risks and make decisions to sharing cybersecurity information.
- J. Bhatia, M.C. Evans, S. Wadkar, T.D. Breaux. "Automated extraction of regulated information types using hyponymy relations," In Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Requirements Engineering (AIRE), part of 24th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, September 12 - 16, 2016.
J. Bhatia, T.D. Breaux, J.R. Reidenberg, T.B. Norton. "A Theory of Vagueness and Privacy Risk Perception," (Nominated for Best Paper), In Proc. IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'16), Beijing, China, September 12 - 16, 2016, pp. 26-35.
The project produced an empirically validated framework for measure perceived privacy risk. The framework consists of a factorial vignette survey design for collecting privacy risk measures from individuals given the benefits of sharing cybersecurity information to respond to cyber threats, and an algorithm for computing predicted privacy risk scores for independent information types. The research found that, while individuals can perceive increased risk with increased likelihood, the contribution to overall risk perception is sub-linear: there are greater perceived differences among the risks of sharing different information types, than the differences due to solely to increased likelihood of a privacy harm for a single information type. Moreover, the research shows that individuals are more willing to share information about what they do, than they are willing to share information about who they are. This indicates that privacy risk may increase non-linearly when identifiable information is combined with sensitive information types. With respect to scalability, we are currently investigating techniques to scale the information type ontology, to investigate the effect of data aggregation, and to identify cost-effective ways to re-sample privacy risk measures from individuals.