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Song Tan, Wen-Zhan Song, Dong, Qifen, Lang Tong.  2012.  SCORE: Smart-Grid Common Open Research Emulator. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm).
Wen-Zhan Song, Debraj De, Song Tan, Sajal Das, Lang Tong.  2012.  A Wireless Smart Grid Testbed In Lab. Special Issue on Recent Advances in Wireless Technologies for Smart Grid, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. 19
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Steve Yothment, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong.  2015.  ScorePlus: An Integrated Scalable Cyber-Physical Experiment Environment for Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON).
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Michael Stewart, Lang Tong.  2015.  Construct Data Integrity Attacks Against Real-Time Electrical Market in Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm).
Song Tan, WenZhan Song, Steve Yothment, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong.  2016.  ScorePlus: A Software-Hardware Hybrid and Federated Experiment Environment for Smart Grid. ACM transaction on Embedded Computing Systems, Special issue on Emerging Embedded Software & Systems (ESS).
Song Tan, Debraj De, WenZhan Song, Junjie Yang, Sajal Das.  2017.  Survey of Security Advances in Smart Grid: A Data Driven Approach. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 18:397-422.