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RichGoodman's picture
Joined: Nov 25 2016

Dear readers,

Please find below a general call for papers to the Cyber Physical Systems journal. I'd be delighted to answer any questions or queries that you may have and look forward reading your research.

With best wishes,

Mr Richard Goodman

Cyber Physical Systems
Print ISSN: 2333-5777 Online ISSN: 2333-5785
Published by Taylor & Francis.
Submission site:

Founded by the late Professor Ivan Stojmenovic, Cyber-Physical Systems is an international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research in the rapidly-growing field of cyber-physical systems / Internet-of-Things.

Publications will cover theory, algorithms, simulations, architectures, implementations, services and applications of state-of-the-art research in this exciting field.

The journal welcomes submissions in the following key areas of interest:

Networks and Networked Systems where intelligent entities exchange information to achieve improved overall performance for both cyber and physical components. Particular areas of interests include:

  • sensor, vehicular, robot, camera, aerial and social smartphone networks
  • wireless networking technologies and autonomous ad hoc networks
  • internet of things and machine-to-machine communications
  • networked infrastructure management with applications such as smart power grids and transportation systems
  • network enabled computation, coordination, and actuation
  • scalability of complex networks

Modelling and Control where mathematical and computational methods are developed and applied to facilitate innovative design, in-depth analysis, and novel insights of the fundamental principles.Particular areas of interests include:

  • control theory with a clear cyber-physical tone such as networked control, distributed optimization, and distributed learning
  • autonomy with applications in mobile sensor networks, internet connected cars, etc.
  • modelling of tightly integrated physical processes, software, computation platforms, and networks

Data Management where novel methods are developed to reliably gather, store, transfer, and analyse large amount of data and dataflow.
Particular areas of interests include:

  • data management and processing (e.g. big data, cloud computing)
  • location and tracking based services
  • smart cameras and computer vision based context management
  • web of things.

Software and Hardware where novel designs and implementations of test-beds, platforms, and software will significantly improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of next generation CPS. Particular areas of interests include:

  • embedded systems applications (pervasive computing, real-time control technologies)
  • resource-constrained systems (low power, energizing, device miniaturization)
  • standards and middleware.

Other Emerging Areas where new challenges, new ideas, and new principles are shaping. For example,

  • incentive, security, trust, and privacy issues in CPS
  • smart living technologies such as smart city, smart home and office, wearable devices, learning devices, etc.
  • social M2M networks, social impact of CPS, creative aspects.

Cyber-Physical Systems encourages original articles in these areas, including technical contributions, short communications, and novel surveys. The journal will make special effort to encourage submissions from authors working in industry. Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge and newly-developing areas of Cyber Physical Systems are encouraged, and should be discussed with either Professor Vojislav B. Misic of Ryerson University, (vmisic [at] or Dr Fumin Zhang of GeorgiaTech (fumin [at]

RichGoodman's picture
Joined: Nov 25 2016
Additional details

The Cyber-Physical Systems journal has no page limits, no page charges and promotes the deposit submitted manuscripts in preprint servers like Arxiv. CPS wishes to promote the value of reproducible research and encourages authors to submit instructions for reproduction as well as supporting datasets and software.

Authors can also choose to publish Open Access where there is funding available from research grants or their institutional library.

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