Visible to the public A projection algorithm for strictly monotone linear complementarity problemsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleA projection algorithm for strictly monotone linear complementarity problems
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsErik Zawadzki, Geoffrey Gordon, Andre Platzer
Conference NameProceedings of NIPS OPT2013: Optimization for Machine Learning
Date Published12/2013
Conference LocationLake Tahoe, Nevada

Complementary problems play a central role in equilibrium finding, physical sim- ulation, and optimization. As a consequence, we are interested in understanding how to solve these problems quickly, and this often involves approximation. In this paper we present a method for approximately solving strictly monotone linear complementarity problems with a Galerkin approximation. We also give bounds for the approximate error, and prove novel bounds on perturbation error. These perturbation bounds suggest that a Galerkin approximation may be much less sen- sitive to noise than the original LCP.

Citation Keynode-30059

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