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11th MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development

The Center for Model-based Product Development (MODPROD) is an inter-disciplinary research center at Linkopings universitet. The center involves a number of companies as well as researchers from the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) and the Department of Management and Engineering (IEI).

The mission of the MODPROD center is to conduct front-line applied research in model-based product development addressing problems such as shorter life cycles, higher demands on flexibility and quality, and shorter time-to-market from product design to production of finished products. This requires increased usage of software/hardware system modeling, life-cycle management, and simulation technology for virtual prototyping and model-based strategic planning.

Theme for this year: Model-based Product Development and Internet-of-Things

Keynotes for MODPROD'2017 Workshop (Preliminary):

  • Osten Franberg, Initiator of the Swedish Vinnova SIP programme for Internet-of-Things. "Internet-of-Things Potential, Modeling, Architecture, and Standardization"
  • Michael Wetter, Leader of Building Energy Projects at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, "The Role of Modelica, FMI, and Model-Based Development for Low Energy Building and Community Energy Systems - Progress and Challenges"
  • Conrad Bock, Leader of Systems Analysis Integration at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. "New SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation Standard"

MODPROD workshop concerned with, but not limited to, the following themes:

  • Cyber-physical system modeling
  • Integrated hardware-software modeling
  • Internet-of-things and its modeling aspects
  • Hardware modeling
  • Software modeling
  • Co-modeling, Co-simulation, FMI
  • Multi-body systems
  • Multi-domain/Multi-physics, e.g. electrical-hydraulic
  • Modelica-UML-SysML
  • Modeling and simulation tools
  • CAD modeling
  • Design optimization and analysis
  • Hardware in the loop simulation
  • Real-time and embedded system modeling
  • Electrical/hydraulics modeling

Supporting organizations

The Center for Model-based Product Development (MODPROD) is an inter-disciplinary research center at Linkoping University. It revolves around model-based tools and methods for cyber-physical systems, mechanical systems, electronic systems and software, and unified approaches for model-based design. This workshop brings together expertise in these fields to discuss state of the art and the way ahead.

Organizers: Martin Sjolund, Lena Buffoni, Co-organizers: Robert Braun, Ingo Staack

Preliminary Program

08.30-09.00 Registration and coffee outside room A2, in Building A, Linkoping University

09.00-10.45 Tutorials in Parallel, Length 3:15h

Tutorial 1: Peter Fritzson and Bernhard Thiele (Linkoping University). "Introduction to Object Oriented Modeling, Simulation, Debugging & Dynamic Optimization with Modelica using OpenModelica". Hands-on Exercises, bring your laptop.

Tutorial 2: Michael Wetter, Leader of Building Energy Projects at Lawrence Berkeley National Labor- atory, USA, "Introduction to Building Systems modeling with the Modelica Buildings library". Hands- on Exercises.

Tutorial 3: Luigi Vanfretti, Associate Professor & Docent, KTH; Special Advisor in Strategy and Inter- national Collaboration, Statnett SF. "Cyber-Physical Modeling of Electrical Power Systems using OpenIPSL and OpenModelica"

Tutorial 4: Adeel Asghar, Robert Braun (LIU, Sweden), Willi Braun (FH Bielefeld, Germany), Petter Krus (LIU, Sweden), Dag Fritzson (SKF, Sweden), "FMI 2.0 Model Exchange, Co-simulation, and TLM Co-Simulation - Theory and Practice". Hands-on with Master Simulation Tool Prototype, OpenModel- ica, and HOPSAN

Tutorial 5: Sebastien Revol, CEA List, France. "An introduction to Papyrus tool support for FMI"

10.45-11.00 Coffee break outside room A2

11.00-12.30 Tutorials continued, same rooms as above

12.30-13.30 Lunch at Karallen, Linkoping University

13.30-14.20 Plenary Session 1, Model-Based Engineering, Session Chair: Kristian Sandahl, room A2

Welcome by organizers. Lena Buffoni, Martin Sjolund, Robert Braun, Ingo Staack

Keynote, Osten Franberg, Initiator of the Swedish Vinnova SIP programme for Internet-of-Things. "In- ternet-of-Things Potential, Modeling, Architecture, and Standardization"

14.20-15.00 Peter Fritzson, Bernhard Thiele, and Martin Sjolund, Petter Krus, Linkoping University, Sweden, "Presentation of Research at the Centre for Model based Product Development, MODPROD"

15.30-16.00 Coffee break, Poster Session and exhibition outside room A2

16.00-17.25 Parallel Session 2a, Tools and Environments for Model-Based Simulation Chair: Kristian Sandahl, room A2

Niklas Fors and Gorel Hedin, Lund University, "Feature-oriented automation programming with Bloqqi"

Jonathan Neudorfer, Siva Sankar Armugham, Mathews Peter, Naresh Mandipalli, Bosch, India; Oliver Lenord, Christian Bertsch, Bosch, Germany, Arndt-Michael Meyer , ETAS, Germany "Towards an In- tegrated Tool Chain from Physical Modeling to ECU Software Using FMI on AUTOSAR Platforms"

Ingo Staack, Linkoping University, "Aircraft Systems Engineering".

Jim Novack and Pedro Martin Garcia, Talent Swarm, Spain, "7D Worlds for Creation of Global Collab-

16.00-17.25 Parallel Session 2b, Model-Based Engineering and Applications, Chair: Petter Krus, room ACAS

Yingguang Chu, Lars Ivar Hatledal, Vilmar AEsoy, Houxiang Zhan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Soren Ehlers, Technical University of Hamburg, "An Object-Oriented Modeling Ap- proach to Virtual Prototyping of Marine Operation Systems Based on FMI Co-simulation"

Gladys E. Leon, AIA, Spain and Jean-Baptiste Heyberger and Francois P. Beaude, RTE, France, "A Modelica-based Tool for Power System Dynamic Simulations"

Andreas Hofmann, Nils Menager, Rudiger Kampfmann, Bosch Rexroth, Germany and Gunter Kunze, TUD, Germany, "Raising efficiency in design and commissioning of machinery and plant engineering using integrated model focused development based on object-oriented modeling and simulation"

Per Hammarstrom, Saab, "Software Architectures, Variant Handling, Feature Modeling"

17.40 Conference Dinner

MODPROD Program for Wednesday February 8

07.50-08.15 Bus passing main hotels, arriving Linkoping University at 08.15

08.00-08.30 Registration outside room A2, Building A, Linkoping university

08.30-08.40 Workshop 2nd Day, Introduction, Plenary Session 3 (Chair: Lena Buffoni), room A2

08.40-09.40 Keynote, Michael Wetter, Leader of Building Energy Projects at Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tory, USA, "The Role of Modelica, FMI, and Model-Based Development for Low Energy Building and Community Energy Systems - Progress and Challenges"

09.40-10.40 03 Keynote, Conrad Bock, Leader of Systems Analysis Integration at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. "New SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation Standard"

10.40-11.05 Coffee, Posters and Exhibition outside room A2

11.05-12.20 Parallel Session 4a, Optimization and Analysis. Chair: Kristian Sandahl, room A2

Rudiger Kampfmann, Danny Mosch, Nils Menager, Andreas Hofmann, Bosch Rexroth, Germany "Pa- rameter Estimation based on FMI"

Walid Taha, Halmstad University, "Rigorous simulation"

Bjorn Lundell, Skovde University, "Open Source Modeling and Software Tools and Architecture"

Matts Karlsson, National Supercomputer Centre, "Parallel Fluid-Dynamics Computations"

11.05-12.20 Parallel Session 4b Co-Simulation and Distributed Systems. Chair: Petter Krus, room A2

Gustavo Carvalho, Hugo Leonardo, Morteza Mohaqeqi, Mohammadreza Mousavi and Augusto Sampaio

"Generating Sound Test-Suite by Adaptive Sampling of Hybrid Automata Models"

Hakan Andersson, Peter Nordin, "Co-simulation of 3D structures and -1D fluid Dynamics"

Maria Pettersson, Atlas Copco, "Modeling and Simulating Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Industrial Ap- plications."

Robert Braun, LIU and Dag Fritzson, SKF, "FMI for Asynchronous TLM-based Co-simulation

12.20-13.30 Lunch at Karallen, Linkoping University. Posters and Exhibition outside room A2

13.30-14.25 Plenary Session 5, Model-Based Engineering in Industry

Daniel Bouskela, EDF, France, Peter Fritzson, Lena Buffoni, LIU, Sweden. "The Need for Comprehen- sive Whole-life-cycle Systems Engineering Tool Support for Cyber-Physical Systems"

14.25-14.55 Coffee, Posters and Exhibition outside room A2

Alachew Shitahun, Adrian Pop, Adeel Asghar and Peter Fritzson, Linkoping University, "Traceability Support in OpenModelica Using Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)"

Torbjorn Holm, EuroStep, "Model Lifecycle Management"

Lena Stromback, SMI, "Data management for building a European Climate service - the Urban SIS project."

14.55-16.35 Parallel Session 6b, Co-Simulation and Distributed Systems (2). Chair: Martin Sjolund, room ACAS

Rudiger Kampfmann, Nils Menager, Andreas Hofmann, Bosch Rexroth, "FMI for Industrial Program- mable Logic Controllers"

Francisco Gomez, Luigi Vanfretti, KTH, Sweden and Svein H. Olsen, Statnett, SF, Norway "Model-to- Model Transformations from UML to SysML and Modelica for Electrical Power Grid Simulation" Sebastien Revol, CEA List, "Coupling executable UML models with FMUs."

16.35-16.40 Break

16.40-17.15 Panel Discussion, Model-based Product Development and Internet-of-Things, (plenary session), room A2

Event Details
Linköping, Sweden