Visible to the public Call for Open Communications: COMPLEXIS 2017 - Int'l Conf. on Complexity, Future Information Systems and RiskConflict Detection Enabled

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IMPORTANT DEADLINE: *February 17, 2017* (no deadline extension)

COMPLEXIS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (Porto/Portugal)

April 24 - 26, 2017| Porto, Portugal |

In Cooperation with: EATCS

Sponsored by: INSTICC

INSTICC is Member of: OMG, FIPA, WfMC and IFSR

Technically Co-sponsored by: WFSC and IFSR

Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS

It is now available to researchers and practitioners a new exciting and interactive opportunity to present their research, case-studies, novel approaches, techniques or technologies in a simple and concise way to the COMPLEXIS conference audience, which is designated as open communications.

Open Communications are 1-page abstracts or a previously published papers. This will go through a fast-track review and intends to constitute a motivation for attracting researchers who have good ideas or good previous material to share but don't have the time to prepare a complete paper.

Please take into account that open communications will appear in the book of abstracts and will have a slot for presentation in the technical program. They are not published in the conference proceedings.

Please submit by February 17, 2017 at:

Open communications can be registered with of a one day pass registration, if the authors just want to present their work at their session. All other speakers are required to register to the whole event. An official certificate will be given to all speakers who present their work at the Conference, including open communications.