Download and run the Task 1 seed
Assuming that you have downloaded ROS and set up your environment and workspace, follow the directions below to run task1
Here is the accompanying youtube video tutorial! :
- load cvchallenge_task1.tar.gz
- Extract cvchallenge_task1.tar.gz into your workspace/src directory
- Launch Command Prompt/Terminal and switch over to your workspace directory
- Run the following commands in order
source devel/setup.bash
- Open a new terminal window by pressing control+shift+T and run the following commands in order
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun cvchallenge_task1
- Open another terminal window and launch the simulation environment by running the following commands
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun rviz rviz
- Run the following commands in order
- Once rviz is open go ahead and navigate over to frame and type in azcar_sim/odom
- Down below you will see the button "Add" click on that and press on "By Topic" and add the detections topic