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Call for Student Posters on

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Communications and Networking Research

AUVSI XPONENTIAL is an industrial conference and exhibition organized by the Association of Unmanned Vehicles and Systems International. During this annual event, the largest global community of leaders in drones, intelligent robotics and unmanned systems will come together to shape the future of this industry. AUVSI XPONENTIAL features exclusive speakers and innovative dynamic educational programs for everyone including students and professionals.

In conjunction with this year's event ( that will be held in Dallas, TX, during May 8-11, 2017, a student poster session with a focus on "UAS Communications and Networking" research is planned. Undergraduate and graduate students from any academic institution are invited to submit posters highlighting their research in UAS related topics such as: air-to-ground and air-to-air communication channel modeling; airborne/satellite communication and cellular network support for UAS navigation and command and control; sense-and-avoid and other collision avoidance strategies; UAS traffic management, swarming, formation, self-organization, and collaboration; safety, security and privacy aspects of UAS communications. Poster presentations on experimental platforms, field trials and UAS applications towards public safety communications are particularly encouraged.

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students who are working in the general area of UAS control, networking and communications and related disciplines in any academic institution.

Requirements: Each submission includes a poster showcasing student's original research and a letter of support from their faculty advisor. Submit the required materials to Prof. Kamesh Namuduri at

Selection Process and Travel Support: Posters will be selected based on the novelty and quality of research. Authors of selected posters will receive travel awards to supplement the cost of registration and travel to the event. They are also required to submit a technical paper which will be included in the online proceedings of AUVSI XPONENTIAL.

Important Dates: Submissions will be accepted until March 1st, 2017. Selections will be announced on March 15th, 2017. If the poster is selected for presentation, students are required to submit a technical paper by April 14, 2017.