Visible to the public Task 1: contextConflict Detection Enabled

By now, your team should have finished Task 1 (if not, do it fast!). But what was it all about? Why did we have a Task 1 at all? Wasn't it too easy?

Task 1 had several purposes: it gave you an opportunity to form your team, and it also gave us an opportunity to gauge the interest of the teams involved.

The most important aspect of Task 1, however, was our ability to prototype and test the online simulation platform you are using as part of the Active Resources of this website. While you are able to download and install the simulation software on your machine (or a Virtual Machine on your host), you may have realized by now that this is tricky: it's not easy to get it all set up and running.

Task 1 should give you confidence that you can interact with the Active Resources by uploading your submissions. But you can also revisit the ros.bag file you downloaded from the CPS-VO to compare it to the results you have on your machine. This kind of comparison will be critical to your ability to test and develop things on a local machine, but upload them for validation through our infrastructure here. In that way, we know that your results can be applied beyond your local machine, with your local setup.

Got questions? Pop on over to the forums and ask away, we'd love to hear from you.