CNLN example (p53 model)
Leenders, Gerald B., and Jack A. Tuszynski. "Stochastic and Deterministic Models of Cellular p53 Regulation." Frontiers in Oncology 3 (2013): 64.
This model is slightly adapted by replacing the term x1^1.8/(547600 + x1^1.8) by x1^2/(547600 + x1^2). But the model still shows oscillation.
x1' = (0.5 - 9.963e-6*x1*x5 - 1.925e-5*x1)*3600
x2' = (1.5e-3 + 1.5e-2*(x1^2/(547600 + x1^2)) - 8e-4*x2)*3600
x3' = (8e-4*x2 - 1.444e-4*x3)*3600
x4' = (1.66e-2*x3 - 9e-4*x4)*3600
x5' = (9e-4*x4 - 1.66e-7*x4*x4 - 9.963e-6*x5*x6)*3600
x6' = (0.5 - 3.209e-5*x6 - 9.963e-6*x5*x6)*3600
t' = 1
Time horizon: [0,10]
Initial set (easy version):
x1 in [19.9,20.1]
x2 in [19.9,20.1]
x3 in [19.9,20.1]
x4 in [19.9,20.1]
x5 in [19.9,20.1]
x6 in [19.9,20.1]
Initial set (hard version):
x1 in [19.8,20.2]
x2 in [19.8,20.2]
x3 in [19.8,20.2]
x4 in [19.8,20.2]
x5 in [19.8,20.2]
x6 in [19.8,20.2]
Safety condition: put some safe bounds for all variables.