Visible to the public Rviz Error load global frameConflict Detection Enabled

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jdguo's picture
Established Community Member
Joined: Jan 13 2017

Now that my "roslaunch catvehicle catvehicle_skidpad" runs succesfully with no process terminated unexpectedly, I was trying to visualize it in RVIZ, following the instructions in Task2 Seed

The global frame loading fails:

Fixed Frame
Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

And there is only following topics to be added under /catvehicle:

/canera_left /camera_right /front_laser_points /joint_states /lidar_points /odom /path

Although it seems to run just fine according to the output of /detection:

[INFO] [WallTime: 1488238072.954021] [1668.106000] header:
seq: 30
secs: 1668
nsecs: 106000000
frame_id: catvehicle/odom
x: 1.0
y: 2.0
z: 0.1
x: 2.0
y: 2.0
z: 0.1
x: 2.0
y: 3.0
z: 0.1
x: 1.0
y: 3.0
z: 0.1
[INFO] [WallTime: 1488238073.959413] [1669.106000] header:
seq: 31
secs: 1669
nsecs: 106000000
frame_id: catvehicle/odom
x: 2.0
y: 2.0
z: 0.1
x: 3.0
y: 2.0
z: 0.1
x: 3.0
y: 3.0
z: 0.1
x: 2.0
y: 3.0
z: 0.1




Downloading the given catvehicle_rviz_tgz and load it with rosrun rviz rviz -f catvehicle_rviz didn't seem to fix it.

Has anyone experienced similar error?


admin's picture
AdministratorSite ModeratorEstablished Community Member
Joined: Mar 25 2010
Is this still an open issue?

Is this still an open issue? Thanks.

Jonathan Sprinkle
sprinkle's picture
AdministratorEstablished Community Member
Joined: Aug 11 2010
Can you produce the output of

Can you produce the output of "rostopic list" and then maybe after that, try "rostopic hz /catvehicle/odom" for example, so see whether the odometry is being produced. Sometimes these issues are resolved by ensuring that the terminal in which rviz is running has run "source devel/setup.bash" before running rviz. You will also want to change your global frame to be /catvehicle/odom.

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