8th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS 2017)
Organised by the Euromicro Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems - ecrts17.ecrts.org
Dubrovnik, Croatia | 27-30th June 2017 | www.cister.isep.ipp.pt/rtsops2017/
The 8th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS 2017) provides a venue for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of interesting unsolved problems in real-time scheduling. The format of the seminar encourages interaction between participants and provides ample time for relaxed discussions. The goal of the seminar is to promote a spirit of co-operation and collaboration within the real-time scheduling community.
RTSOPS 2017 is organized around presentation and collaboration sessions. Each presentation session provides the opportunity to hear about a number of unsolved problems in real-time scheduling, highlighted via brief presentations. The following collaboration session gives participants the opportunity to interact in small groups, exchange ideas with the presenters, explore how the problems might be solved, and take the first steps towards a solution. In addition, authors of open problem submissions from previous years' RTSOPS are invited to submit short status reports on progress made towards a solution to their open problem. This year's seminar will include a session for presentation of such advances.
Real-time scheduling theory has provided a foundation for understanding and solving resource allocation and scheduling problems in systems that have real-time constraints. New fundamental results are needed to address recent advances and trends in real-time systems design. RTSOPS 2017 encompasses all aspects that are relevant in the study of real-time scheduling.
RTSOPS 2017 invites extended abstracts of open problems in areas such as, but not limited to:
- Single-, Multi- and Many-core scheduling;
- New models for real-time systems;
- Scheduling in cyber-physical systems;
- Mixed-criticality scheduling;
- Interactions between WCET (worst-case execution time) analysis and scheduling.
- Vincent Nelis (CISTER/INESC TEC, ISEP, Portugal)
- Tam Chantem (Virginia Tech, USA)
- Robert Dick - University of Michigan, U.S.A.
- Emmanuel Grolleau - Universite de Poitiers, France
- Luis Lino Ferreira - CISTER, ISEP, Portugal
- Cong Liu - university of Texas, Dallas, U.S.A.
- Damien Masson - ESIEE, Paris, France
- Gang Quan - Florida International University, U.S.A.
- Shangpin Ren - Illinois Institue of Technology
- Xiaofeng Wang - university of South Carolina, U.S.A.
- Dakai Zhu - university of Texas, San Antonio, U.S.A.
- Nathan Fisher (Wayne State University, U.S.A.)
- Robert Davis (University of York, United Kingdom)
- Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt, France)