CompCPS-2010 -- The First Australasian Workshop on Computation in Cyber-Physical Systems
Sydney, Australia
A cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a system coherently combining computational and physical elements. The combination is expected to produce not only a pre-defined and pre-optimised coupling, but also a high degree of coordination within the system. An example is symbiotic sensor/actuator networks which include agents recognising and forming relationships of mutual benefit across various types: e.g., stationary sensor nodes may assist navigation of robots, while being powered by the robots.
The CPS build up on knowledge and practical experiences of embedded systems, sensor networks, multi-robot teams, modular/swarm robotics, amorphous computing, programmable materials, evolvable/adaptive hardware, etc., and yet promise to form a unique field. The success will mostly depend on the ability to formulate a structured scientific foundation supporting the CPS technologies. One principled direction is the investigation of distributed computation in CPS - the computation processes that integrate multiple data streams, compress and structure high-dimensional information, synchronise the distributed dynamics, adapt to topological changes within networks, optimise multiple sensorimotor loops, etc.
Workshop Focus
The "Cyber" part of the CPS name indicates a connection to Cybernetics: the interdisciplinary study of self-regulatory systems that execute actions affecting the environment, perceive the resulting changes, transform the perceptions into information, and adapt to new conditions. In a CPS, this self-regulation spans a multiplicity of components across diverse types, and our main goal is the study of the computation behind such distributed self-regulation. It is important to note that a CPS intrinsically processes information during its operation. For example, during cascading failures, the power network is in fact computing its new stable state (attractor), so understanding this computation can help control the dynamics.
Essentially, we hope to identify foundational principles enabling systematic analysis, design and operation of CPS from the view-point of computation.
The following topics are of special interest: self-organisation in spatiotemporal systems, complex networks and their evolution, synchronisation in complex networks, self-organised criticality, sensor layout optimisation, compressive sensing, intelligent control, information dynamics, machine learning, evolutionary computation, modular/swarm robotics, programmable materials, etc.