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2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2017

(April 18-20 | Pittsburgh, PA (at CPSWeek) |

Suggested workshop pairing:

2nd International Workshop on Social Sensing SocialSens 2017 (April 21), Pittsburgh, PA (at CPSWeek)

If you are interested in IoT, CPS, or networks in general, please consider attending IoTDI! The IoTDI program is now online:

Registration is via: (and select IoTDI when prompted)

Among other highlights, IoTDI features:

  • A special session on information-centric networks for IoT
  • A panel on research and funding opportunities in the IoT space
  • A session on IoT security (joint with IPSN)
  • Invited speakers from Emerson, Huawei and IBM Research on industrial perspectives on IoT
  • A vision panel on the future of IoT
  • A poster/demo session on novel directions and applications

We further recommend combining attendance of this conference with the Social Sensing workshop (on exploitation of social media as "things"/"sensors" in a variety of societal applications from smart communities to situation understanding). Please see SocialSens program at: