Visible to the public Clean Your Variable Code with featureIDE

TitleClean Your Variable Code with featureIDE
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsThüm, Thomas, Leich, Thomas, Krieter, Sebastian
Conference NameProceedings of the 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference
Date PublishedSeptember 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4050-2
Keywordsantenna, configuration, eclipse, feature modeling, feature-oriented software development, integrated development environment, preprocessors, pubcrawl170201, software product lines

FeatureIDE is an open-source framework to model, develop, and analyze feature-oriented software product lines. It is mainly developed in a cooperation between University of Magdeburg and Metop GmbH. Nevertheless, many other institutions contributed to it in the past decade. Goal of this tutorial is to illustrate how FeatureIDE can be used to clean variable code, whereas we will focus on dependencies in feature models and on variability implemented with preprocessors. The hands-on tutorial will be highly interactive and is devoted to practitioners facing problems with variability, lecturers teaching product lines, and researchers who want to safe resources in building product line tools.

Citation Keythum_clean_2016