Visible to the public On the feasibility of real-time cyber attack attribution on the Internet

TitleOn the feasibility of real-time cyber attack attribution on the Internet
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsWang, Xinyuan
ISBN Number978-1-5090-3781-0
Keywordsattribution, composability, Human Behavior, Metrics

The capability to reliably and accurately identify the attacker has long been believed as one of the most effective deterrents to an attack. Ideally, the attribution of cyber attack should be automated from the attack target all the way toward the attack source on the Internet in real-time. Real-time, network-wide attack attribution, however, is every challenging, and many people have doubted whether it is feasible to have practical attack attribution on the Internet. In this paper, we look into the problem, challenges of real-time attack attribution on the Internet, and analyze what it takes to have the real-time attack attribution on the Internet. We show that it is indeed feasible and practical to attribute certain cyber attacks on the Internet in real-time. We build such a real-time attack attribution system upon the malware immunization and packet flow watermarking techniques we have developed. We demonstrate the unprecedented real-time attack attribution capability via live experiments on the Internet and Tor nodes all over the world.

Citation Keywang_feasibility_2016