3 postdoc positions in engineering dependable and secure systems - University of Florence- Italy![Conflict Detection Enabled Conflict Detection Enabled](/sites/all/themes/redux/css/images/icons/conflict_enabled_icon.png)
The University of Florence http://www.unifi.it/, Florence, Italy, opens three Post Doctoral positions in
***Dependable and Secure Systems***
at the Resilient Computing Lab (RCL, http://rcl.dsi.unifi.it), Department of Mathematic and Informatics.
Deadline: 23 March 2017
We are recruiting three postdoctoral researchers in the area of engineering dependable, secure and resilient systems. The positions will be for a renewable one-year commitment starting May 2017. The activities will consist in research and experimentation of dependable and secure cyber-physical systems, mainly over the broad topics of:
- Software engineering and assessment of dependable and secure transactional systems.
- Design and assess dependable and secure cyber-physical systems.
A doctoral degree in computer science/engineering or related areas are required. Successful candidates are expected to work in team and independently, and also collaborate in projects active at the RCL group.
** Resilient Computing Lab. RCL is a research group of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics (DiMaI, "Dipartimento di Matermatica e Informatica") of the University of Florence coordinated by Prof. Andrea Bondavalli http://rcl.dsi.unifi.it/people/bondavalli. RCL research activities focus mainly in research and experimentation of dependable architectures and systems. The RCL group is composed by several members - see our profiles here: http://rcl.dsi.unifi.it/staff/
** Please refer to the official calls at:
- http://titulus.unifi.it/albo/viewer?view=files%2F002405225-UNFICLE-8465aad5-b06e-47a8-b332-82e7daf49058-000.pdf (1 position)
- http://titulus.unifi.it/albo/viewer?view=files%2F002405207-UNFICLE-7a092a57-b31b-418c-b05b-93ee3137e59d-000.pdf (2 positions)
**Interested applicants are advised to contact Prof. Bondavalli (andrea.bondavalli@unifi.it) for further information.**