Buildsys 2012: 4th ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings
The world is increasingly experiencing a strong need for energy consumption reduction and for efficient use of scarce natural resources. Official studies report that buildings account for the largest portion of World's energy expenditure and have the fastest growth rate. Information technology such as cyber-physical systems, wireless sensor networks, embedded control, computational modeling, machine learning, and simulation tools play a key role in enabling energy-saving measures for buildings, its surrounding spaces, and other networks such as smart grid and smart water networks that they connect to. We are interested in a life-cycle perspective across design, construction, and operation of buildings, and in energy consumption in both direct (electricity, gas etc.) and indirect (embedded energy in water) forms.
We are particularly interested in contributions addressing the following areas, but papers addressing other emerging aspects of building energy are welcome:
* Building controls, optimization, and learning
* Sensing technologies and sensor information processing methods
* Measurement, modeling, and visualization of building performance
* Occupancy and occupant behavior modeling
* Information feedback, incentives, and other methods for influencing occupant behavior
* Computationally assisted design of energy-efficient buildings
* Simulation and emulation tools and test-beds
* Smart energy-aware devices and appliances
* Efficient building systems: HVAC, enclosures, lighting, water heating etc.
* Interaction with external networks and systems: electricity, transportation system, water
* Demand-response technologies for smart-meter / smart-grid integration
* Renewable energy integration
* Local energy generation, harvesting, and storage
* Energy considerations across multiple buildings at campus and regional scale
* Energy-water nexus in buildings
* Information technology standards for building energy management
* Security, privacy, and robustness issues
Important Dates
* Paper/Poster submission deadline: Monday, July 30, 2012
* Demo submission deadline: Monday, September 3, 2012
* Notification of acceptance: Friday, September 14, 2012
* Camera Ready Due: Monday, October 1, 2012
* Workshop and Demo Session date: November 6, 2012
General Chair
* George J. Pappas, University of Pennsylvania, US
TPC Chairs
* Mani Srivastava, UCLA, US
* Mario Berges, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Demo Chair
* Yuvraj Agarwal, UC San Diego, US
Publication Chair
* Rasit Eskicioglu, University of Manitoba, Canada
Publicity Chair
* Mario Alves, Politecnico do Porto (ISEP-IPP), Portugal
Steering Committee
* Antonio Ruzzelli, University College Dublin, Ireland
* David Culler, University of Berkeley, US
* Michele Rossi, Universita di Padova, Italy
* Alberto Cerpa, University of California Merced, US