Question on Polygon Size
Hi Dr. Sprinkle,
I subscribed the /detections topic published by 'simplesolution_odomframe.cpp'. I want to classify the objects according to polygon points.
The problem is some /detectons contain more than 16 points, but I 'length(Points(:))' is always 16. That means I lost some points, so that I cannot do an 'accurate' classification by looking at polygon points.
I remeber when I was doing task 2, I tried to publish a polygon with more than 16 points and compiler gave me an error saying I cannot have more than 16 points for one polygon. I am curious about how your simplesolution can publich a polygon with 30 points sometimes.
Check out which gives an idea of how to adjust the maximum length of an array as part of the simulink block. I think this will work for you, we used this tutorial as part of building up the example of transforming a LaserScan into an image.
Good luck!