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Robert Gutzwiller, Sunny Fugate, Benjamin Sawyer, Hancock, PA.  2016.  The Human Factors of Cyber Network Defense. Sage Journals.

Technology’s role in the fight against malicious cyber-attacks is critical to the increasingly networked world of today. Yet, technology does not exist in isolation: the human factor is an aspect of cyber-defense operations with increasingly recognized importance. Thus, the human factors community has a unique responsibility to help create and validate cyber defense systems according to basic principles and design philosophy. Concurrently, the collective science must advance. These goals are not mutually exclusive pursuits: therefore, toward both these ends, this research provides cyber-cognitive links between cyber defense challenges and major human factors and ergonomics (HFE) research areas that offer solutions and instructive paths forward. In each area, there exist cyber research opportunities and realms of core HFE science for exploration. We raise the cyber defense domain up to the HFE community at-large as a sprawling area for scientific discovery and contribution.

Sunny Fugate, Kimberly Ferguson-Walter.  2019.  Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory Models for Defending Critical Networks with Cyber Deception. AI Magazine. 40(1):49-62.

Traditional cyber security techniques have led to an asymmetric disadvantage for defenders. The defender must detect all possible threats at all times from all attackers and defend all systems against all possible exploitation. In contrast, an attacker needs only to find a single path to the defender's critical information. In this article, we discuss how this asymmetry can be rebalanced using cyber deception to change the attacker's perception of the network environment, and lead attackers to false beliefs about which systems contain critical information or are critical to a defender's computing infrastructure. We introduce game theory concepts and models to represent and reason over the use of cyber deception by the defender and the effect it has on attackerperception. Finally, we discuss techniques for combining artificial intelligence algorithms with game theory models to estimate hidden states of the attacker using feedback through payoffs to learn how best to defend the system using cyber deception. It is our opinion that adaptive cyber deception is a necessary component of future information systems and networks. The techniques we present can simultaneously decrease the risks and impacts suffered by defenders and dramatically increase the costs and risks of detection for attackers. Such techniques are likely to play a pivotal role in defending national and international security concerns.

Robert Gutzwiller, Kimberly Ferguson-Walter, Sunny Fugate.  2019.  Are Cyber Attackers Thinking Fast and Slow? Exploratory Analysis Reveals Evidence of Decision-Making Biases in Red Teamers Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

We report on whether cyber attacker behaviors contain decision making biases. Data from a prior experiment were analyzed in an exploratory fashion, making use of think-aloud responses from a small group of red teamers. The analysis provided new observational evidence of traditional decision-making biases in red team behaviors (confirmation bias, anchoring, and take-the-best heuristic use). These biases may disrupt red team decisions and goals, and simultaneously increase their risk of detection. Interestingly, at least part of the bias induction may be related to the use of cyber deception. Future directions include the development of behavioral measurement techniques for these and additional cognitive biases in cyber operators, examining the role of attacker traits, and identifying the conditions where biases can be induced successfully in experimental conditions.

Kimberly Ferguson-Walter, Sunny Fugate, Justin Mauger, Maxine Major.  2019.  Game Theory for Adaptive Defensive Cyber Deception. ACM Digital Library.

As infamous hacker Kevin Mitnick describes in his book The Art of Deception, "the human factor is truly security's weakest link". Deception has been widely successful when used by hackers for social engineering and by military strategists in kinetic warfare [26]. Deception affects the human's beliefs, decisions, and behaviors. Similarly, as cyber defenders, deception is a powerful tool that should be employed to protect our systems against humans who wish to penetrate, attack, and harm them.