Keynote Presentation: Privacy Engineering: Just Another Unicorn?
Presented as part of the 2017 HCSS conference.
Privacy is often considered a concept that is subjective, personal, or even philosophical, but in any event, not particularly amenable to scientific principles and measurement. Nonetheless, in the last few years, the terms privacy engineering and privacy risk management are being used increasingly, albeit with little agreement or understanding of their meaning. NIST has established a program to investigate these concepts and collaborate with stakeholders to produce definitions and models that can support the development of guidance, tools and methodologies for designing privacy-enhanced systems.
Naomi Lefkovitz has served as Senior Privacy Policy Advisor at NIST since March 2012, specializing in the impact on privacy from digital identity management, cybersecurity and other information technologies. Lefkovitz previously served as Director for Privacy and Civil Liberties, Cybersecurity Directorate in the White House and Senior Attorney, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection in the Federal Trade Commission, where her specialty areas included online privacy, digital identity management, data security and consumer financial protection laws.
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