Visible to the public CODES+ISSS'17: Call for Special SessionsConflict Detection Enabled

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International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2017)

October 15-20, 2017, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, South Korea

Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for special sessions to be held during the CODES+ISSS 2017 conference. The special sessions should aim at providing a complementary experience compared to the regular sessions and hence should include hot topics of interest to the Embedded Systems community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at CODES+ISSS. The special session could constitute either a thematic session containing individual presentations or a panel.

CODES+ISSS Program Chairs:

  • Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL
  • Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University, US


  • Proposal submission: May 1, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: June 11, 2017
  • Camera-ready version: July 14, 2017

Submission Information

The special session proposal should include:

  • Title of the special session
  • Rationale of the need for the special session at CODES+ISSS. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and/or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions
  • Short biography of the organizers
  • List of 3-4 contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution). For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.

Proposals are due on or before May 1, 2017 and should be sent via e-mail (PDF or ASCII) to the Program Chairs, Andy Pimentel ( and Aviral Shrivastava ( Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and the qualification of presenters involved in the session. Participants of each accepted special session will have the opportunity to submit a single overview paper covering the main aspects of the session (the presenters will co-author this paper, which will appear in the ESWeek proceedings). Alternatively, each presenter will have the option of submitting an extended abstract of their presentation.