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The Thirteenth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13)

The Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+) is a workshop series, inaugurated in 1990, that fosters exchange of ideas among linguists, psycholinguists, and computer scientists interested in modelling natural language using formal grammars. The scope of the workshop includes Tree-Adjoining Grammars as well as other string, tree, and graph grammar formalisms, such as Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Minimalist Grammar (MG), and dependency grammars; hence the '+' in the name of the workshop.

Past workshops have helped identify similarities and differences between the above formalisms, leading to the shared development of broad-coverage grammars, transfer of parsing and machine learning algorithms from one formalism to another and to new insights into the properties of different formalisms and their capacity for linguistic explanation. Additionally, the workshop will enable further cross-fertilisation of ideas that combine the representational flexibility of TAG-like grammar formalisms with the robustness afforded by machine learning techniques to produce a deeper insight into modelling of natural language.

This edition of TAG+ will be co-located with the 13th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP;, fostering the scientific exchange between the two research communities. The meeting will include a number of joint tutorial presentations, designed to introduce attendees to a range of topics relevant to both communities. TAG+ is endorsed by the ACL Special Interest Groups on Finite-State Methods (SIGFSM) and on Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL).

Topics of Interest

We invite submissions on all aspects of TAG and related grammatical formalisms including the following topics:

* syntactic and semantic theory;
* mathematical properties;
* computational and algorithmic studies of parsing, semantic analysis, discourse, and language generation;
* machine learning models;
* corpus-based research and grammar development;
* psycholinguistic modelling; and
* applications to natural language processing or other areas.

Submission Details

Submissions are made in two stages: submission of a preliminary abstract (used to assign suitable reviewers), and later submission of the full paper. Full papers should be submitted as anonymous manuscripts following the format of the ACL 2017 proceedings ( and may not exceed eight pages in length (not including references); papers that are shorter than eight pages are also acceptable. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the EasyChair electronic submission website ( Simultaneous submissions to TAG+ and to a conference (but not another workshop) are allowed. According to the ACL double submission policy (, doubly-submitted papers should indicate this fact on the title page. If accepted at the other conference, these papers may be withdrawn no later than one week after the notification of acceptance at TAG+.

Papers may be presented at the workshop in one of two formats, as determined by the programme committee: oral presentations and poster presentations. Poster presentations are particularly appropriate for brief descriptions of specialised implementations, resources under development, and work in progress. Proceedings including full papers will be available on-line in the ACL Anthology ( before the workshop.

Important Dates

* Deadline for submission of abstracts: 21 May 2017
* Deadline for submission of papers: 28 May 2017
* Notification to authors of decision: 9 July 2017
* Deadline for camera-ready submission: 30 July 2017
* Workshop dates: 4-6 September 2017

Contact Information

* Workshop Website:
* Programme Chairs:


Programme Chairs

* Marco Kuhlmann, Linkoping University (Sweden)
* Tatjana Scheffler, University of Potsdam (Germany)

Programme Committee

* Daniel Bauer, Columbia University (USA)
* Tilman Becker, DFKI GmbH (Germany)
* Rajesh Bhatt, UMass Amherst (USA)
* Stephen Clark, Cambridge (UK)
* Laurence Danlos, U. Paris 7 (France)
* Vera Demberg, Saarland University (Germany)
* Frank Drewes, Umea University (Sweden)
* Robert Frank, Yale University (USA)
* Claire Gardent, CNRS/LORIA Nancy (France)
* Thomas Graf, Stony Brook University (USA)
* Chung-Hye Han, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
* Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
* Laura Kallmeyer, University of Dusseldorf (Germany)
* Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics (Japan)
* Adam Lopez, University of Edinburgh (UK)
* Andreas Maletti, Universitat Leipzig (Germany)
* Mark-Jan Nederhof, University of St Andrews (UK)
* Sylvain Pogodalla, LORIA/INRIA Lorraine (France)
* Owen Rambow, Columbia University (USA)
* Sylvain Salvati, Universite de Lille (France)
* Matthew Stone, Rutgers (USA)
* Dennis Ryan Storoshenko, University of Calgary (Canada)
* Heiko Vogler, TU Dresden (Germany)
* Luke Zettlemoyer, University of Washington (USA)

Local Arrangements Chair

* Frank Drewes, Umea University (Sweden)

Event Details
Umeå University, Sweden