DHS 2017
International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Distributed Hybrid Systems (DHA 2017)
Associated with MFCS 2017
The purpose of DHS is to connect researchers working in real-time and hybrid systems, control theory, distributed computing, and concurrency, in order to advance the subject of distributed hybrid systems.
Distributed hybrid systems, or distributed cyber-physical systems, are abundant. Many of them are safety-critical, but ensuring their correct functioning is very difficult. We believe that new techniques are needed for the analysis and validation of DHS. More precisely, we believe that convergence and interaction of methods and tools from different areas of computer science, engineering, and mathematics is needed in order to advance the subject.
This first edition of the DHS workshop aims at gathering researchers which work in the above areas in order to facilitate collaboration and discuss how the subject may advance.
- Martin Franzle, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, Germany
- Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
- Sergio Rajsbaum, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (TBC)
- Martin Raussen, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
- Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
- real-time and hybrid systems
- distributed computing
- concurrency
- control theory
- algebraic topology
- interactions between the above