CfP: Track on Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Networked Systems at ETFA 2017
22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA'2017)
September 12-15, 2017 | Limassol, Cyprus
Track 10: Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Networked Systems
Focus: Focus of this track are methods, technologies and case studies which leverage on cyber-physical systems to provide smart capabilities such as self-configuration, self-optimization and self-diagnosis.
Topics: Distributed Architectures for Adaptive Systems; Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems; Self-Adaption and Self-Organization for Smart Factories, Smart Cities, Smart Buildings and Smart Energy; Learning and Self-Optimizing Cyber-Physical Systems.
Aim: The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent advances and developments in the newly emerging areas of technology, as well as actual and potential applications to industrial and factory automation.
Deadline for submission of regular papers: April 9, 2017
Notification of papers acceptance: May 15, 2017
Final manuscripts due: July 2, 2017
Conference web site:
- Frank Golatowski, University of Rostock, Germany
- Oliver Niggeman, University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany
- Mohammad Al Faruque, University of California, USA
- Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Michael Ditze, TWT, Stuttgart, DE
- Jens Eliasson, Lulea TU, S
- Tullio Facchinetti, University of Pavia, I
- Cesare Fantuzzi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, I
- Mikael Gidlund, Mid Sweden University, S
- John Baras Barbara Hammer, University of Bielefeld
- Meir Kalech, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IL
- Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP, DE
- Heiko Krumm, TU Dortmund, DE
- Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, I
- Milos Manic, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
- Mark Mattingly-Scott, IBM, DE
- Christoph Niedermeier, Siemens, DE
- Bruno Quoitin, University of Mons, B
- Thilo Steckel, Claas, DE
- Borahan Tumer, Marmara Uni, Istanbul, TR
- OrfefsVoutyras, ICCS/NTUA, GR
- Janusz Zalewski, FGCU, USA