Description: We consider the following problem: given a linear system x=Ax+b+Bu with polyhedral control constraints U, and given an arbitrary LTLX formula f over an arbitrary set of linear predicates, find initial states and a feedback control strategy u so that the corresponding trajectories of the closed loop system verify the formula f, whilestaying inside a given full-dimensional polytope PN.
Our approach to solving the above problem can be summarized as the following three steps. In the first step, we construct a finite state "generator" transition system Tg. Its states are the equivalence classes produced by the feasible full-dimensional subpolytopes of PN determined by the linear predicates appearing in the formula f. The transitions of Tg are determined by adjacency of subpolytopes and existence of feedback controllers making such subpolytopes invariant or driving all states in a subpolytope to an adjacent subpolytope through a common facet. In the second step, we produce runs of Tg that satisfy formula f. This is in essence a model checking problem, and we use standard tools based on B uchi automata. In the third step, we construct a feedback "control strategy", which leads to a closed loop hybrid system, whose continuous trajectories satisfy formula f. We implemented our approach as a user friendly software package LTLCon under Matlab
VO Integration: No
Active: No
Available Benchmarks: No
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Documentation: See webpage.
Contact: Marius Kloetzer and Calin Belta
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