Visible to the public Event Search and Analytics: Detecting Events in Semantically Annotated Corpora for Search & Analytics

TitleEvent Search and Analytics: Detecting Events in Semantically Annotated Corpora for Search & Analytics
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGupta, Dhruv
Conference NameProceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-3716-8
Keywordscomposability, diversity & novelty, Human Behavior, information retrieval, Metrics, pubcrawl, Scalability, semantic annotations, semantic search, text analytics, text summarization

In this article, I present the questions that I seek to answer in my PhD research. I posit to analyze natural language text with the help of semantic annotations and mine important events for navigating large text corpora. Semantic annotations such as named entities, geographic locations, and temporal expressions can help us mine events from the given corpora. These events thus provide us with useful means to discover the locked knowledge in them. I pose three problems that can help unlock this knowledge vault in semantically annotated text corpora: i. identifying important events; ii. semantic search; iii. and event analytics.

Citation Keygupta_event_2016