Description: ECDAR is a tool implementing the timed interface theory of [DLLNW10]. Its architecture reuses parts of UPPAAL. The tool itself is the fruit of the collaboration between Aalborg University, INRIA (Axel Legay), and ITU (Andrzej Wasowski).
The input language is timed I/O automata and is defined using, respectively, the modalities controllable and uncontrollable to define, respectively, inputs and outputs. ECDAR treats timed game automata as timed I/O automata and opens the way to incremental design and compositional reasoning.
The tool is designed to check incrementally refinement between specifications. As shown in the figure below, it is possible to combine different timed I/O automata with the composition or conjunction operators and check if the combined specification refines another specification (that can be defined with such operators as well).
VO Integration: No
Active: No
Available Benchmarks: No
Download: A download link and installation instructions can be found here.
Documentation: Several examples can be found here.
Contact: Here is a list of people associated with the tools.
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