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Declare 2017 - Conference on Declarative Programming

Wurzburg, Germany | September 19-22, 2017 |

consisting of collocated events

21st International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2017)
31st Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2017)
25th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2017)

Declarative programming is an advanced paradigm for modeling and solving complex problems.
This method has attracted increased attention over the last decades, e.g., in the domains of data and knowledge engineering, databases, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, modeling and processing combinatorial problems, and for establishing systems for the web.

The conference Declare 2017 aims to promote the cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researches and students from the different communities interested in the foundations, applications, and combinations of high-level, declarative programming and related areas.

It will be accompanied by a one-week summer school on Advanced Concepts for Databases and Logic Programming for students and PhD students.

The technical program of the event will include invited talks, presentations of refereed papers, and system demonstrations.

INAP 2017

INAP is a communicative conference for intensive discussion of applications of important technologies around declarative programming, constraint problem solving, and related computing paradigms.
It comprehensively covers the impact of data and knowledge engineering, programmable logic solvers in the internet society, its underlying technologies, and leading edge applications in industry, commerce, government, and societal services.

Previous INAP conferences have been held in Japan, Germany, Portugal, and Austria.

We invite high quality contributions on different aspects of declarative programming, data and knowledge management and constraint processing, as well as their use for distributed systems and the web, including, but not limited to the following areas (the order does not reflect any priorities):

* data and knowledge engineering / management:
deductive databases, rule bases,
decision support, expert systems,
knowledge discovery;
* declarative programming:
logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning,
knowledge representation,
domain-specific languages;
* distributed systems and the web:
agents and concurrent engineering,
ontologies, semantic web, internet of things;
* constraints:
constraint systems,
(extensions of) constraint (logic) programming;
* practical systems:
tools for academic and industrial use,
knowledge-based web services,
logic solvers and applications;
* multi-paradigm programming.


The workshops on (constraint) logic programming serve as the scientific forum of the annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP, Gesellschaft fuer Logische Programmierung e.V.).
They bring together researchers interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like databases, artificial intelligence, and operations research.
The international workshops on functional and logic programming aim at bringing together researchers interested in functional programming, logic programming, as well as their integration.
In this year, both workshops will be jointly organized.
Previous workshops have been held in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt, Japan, Denmark, Spain, Brazil, Italy, and France.

There will be a separate announcement and call for papers for the workshops on logic programming.


Conference Chair
Dietmar Seipel (University of Wurzburg, Germany)

Co-Chair (INAP)
Salvador Pinto Abreu (Universidade de Evora, Portugal)

Program Committee (INAP)
Slim Abdennadher (German University of Cairo, Egypt) Salvador Pinto Abreu (Universidade de Evora, Portugal) Molham Aref (Logic Blox Inc, Atlanta, USA) Chitta Baral (Arizona State University, Tempe, USA) Joachim Baumeister (University of Wurzburg) Stefan Brass (University of Halle, Germany) Francois Bry (Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany) Philippe Codognet (UPMC, Paris, France) Vitor Santos Costa (University of Porto, Portugal) Agostino Dovier (University of Udine, Italy) Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) Thom Fruehwirth (University of Ulm, Germany) Parke Godfrey (York University, Toronto, Canada) Gopal Gupta (UT, Dallas, USA) Michael Hanus (University of Kiel, Germany) Jorge Lobo (ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain) Grzegorz J. Nalepa (AGH University, Krakow, Poland) Vitor Nogueira (Universidade de Evora, Portugal) Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA) Dietmar Seipel (University of Wurzburg, Germany) Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) Masanobu Umeda (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

Local Organization
Dietmar Seipel
Falco Nogatz
Mirco Lukas
The summer school is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Funding number 01PL16019).

Event Details
Würzburg, Germany