SBMF 2017
20th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)
SBMF 2017 is the twentieth of a series of events devoted to the development, dissemination and use of formal methods for the construction of high-quality computational systems. It is now a well-established event, with an international reputation.
In 2017, SBMF will take place in Recife, the capital of the state Pernambuco, which is located in the northeast Brazil. It is the 9th city by population in Brazil, with over 1.5 million inhabitants, and it receives more than 5 million tourists from Brazil and abroad per year.
The aim of SBMF is to provide a venue for the presentation and discussion of high-quality work in formal methods. The topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- techniques and methodologies, such as method integration; software and hardware co-design; model-driven engineering; formal aspects of popular methodologies; formal design; development methodologies with formal foundations; software evolution based on formal methods;
- specification and modelling languages, such as well-founded specification and design languages; formal aspects of popular languages; logics and semantics for programming and specification languages; code generation; formal methods and models for objects, aspects, component-based, real-time, hybrid, critical, and service-oriented systems;
- theoretical foundations, such as domain theory; type systems and category theory; computational complexity of methods and models; computational models; term rewriting; models of concurrency, security and mobility;
- verification and validation, such as abstraction, modularisation and refinement techniques; program and test synthesis; correctness by construction; model checking; theorem proving; static analysis; formal techniques for software testing; software certification; formal techniques for software inspection;
- education, such as teaching of, for and with formal methods;
- applications, such as experience reports on the use of formal methods; industrial case studies; tool support.
Recife stands out as a major tourist attraction, both for its beaches and
or its historic sites, dating back to both the Portuguese and the Dutch colonisation of the region. The Boa Viagem beach is one of the most famous urban beaches in Brazil. Visitors get enchanted by the sandy beaches with warm green waters, and also by the complete infrastructure of hotels, restaurants and services which surrounds it. The beach of Porto de Galinhas, 60 kilometers south of Recife, has been repeatedly awarded the title of best beach in Brazil. The historic centre of Olinda, 7 kilometers north of Recife, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1982, and both cities' Carnival are among the world's most famous.
Recife is also considered the first gastronomic hub of the northeastern region, the second medical centre in Brazil, besides housing the greatest technological park in the country, known as Porto Digital. In Recife, you will find culture, history, food and fun all in one place.
To be announced
- Jose Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
- Simone Cavalheiro (UFPel, Brazil)
- Aline Andrade (UFBA. Brazil)
- Luis Barbosa (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
- Christiano Braga (UFF, Brazil)
- Michael Butler (University of Southampton, UK)
- Sergio Campos (UFMG, Brazil)
- Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
- Simone Cavalheiro (UFPel, Brazil) - PC co-chair
- Marcio Cornelio (UFPE, Brazil)
- Andrea Corradini (Universita' di Pisa, Italy)
- Jim Davies (University of Oxford, UK)
- David Deharbe (ClearSy, France)
- Ewen Denney (RIACS/NASA, USA)
- Clare Dixon (University of Liverpool, UK)
- Rachid Echahed (CNRS at University of Grenoble, France)
- Jose Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) - PC co-chair
- Luciana Foss (UFPel, Brazil)
- Rohit Gheyi (UFCG, Brazil)
- Stefan Hallerstede (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester, UK)
- Rolf Hennicker (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Germany)
- Juliano Iyoda (UFPE, Brazil)
- Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, France)
- Michael Leuschel (Universitat Dusseldorf, Germany)
- Patricia Machado (UFCG, Brazil)
- Rodrigo Machado (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Marcelo Maia (UFU, Brazil)
- Narciso Marti-Oliet (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
- Tiago Massoni (UFCG, Brazil)
- Ana Melo (USP, Brazil)
- Anamaria Moreira (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Alvaro Moreira (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Alexandre Mota (UFPE, Brazil)
- Arnaldo Moura (UNICAMP, Brazil)
- David Naumann (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
- Daltro Nunes (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Jose Oliveira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
- Marcel Oliveira (UFRN, Brazil)
- Fernando Orejas (UPC, Spain)
- Arend Rensink (University of Twente, Netherlands)
- Leila Ribeiro (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Augusto Sampaio (UFPE, Brazil)
- Leila Silva (UFS, Brazil)
- Adenilso Simao (ICMC/USP, Brazil)
- Neeraj Singh (McMaster University, Canada)
- Sofiene Tahar (Concordia University, Canada)
- Jim Woodcock (University of York, UK)
- Christiano Braga (UFF, Brazil)
- Marcio Cornelio (UFPE, Brazil)
- Thierry Lecomte (ClearSy, France)
- Narciso Marti-Oliet (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
- Leila Ribeiro (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Bill Roscoe (University of Oxford, UK)