Visible to the public UKC 2010

UKC 2010 -- Cyber Physical Systems Symposium

Conference Date: August 12-15 (Thu-Sun), 2010 Venue: Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue, Washington, USA

Extended One-Page Abstract Due: April 15, 2010 Notification to Authors: April 30, 2010 Final One-Page Abstract: Due: May 31, 2010

OBJECTIVE AND TOPICS This new symposium will address emergent notions of cyber-physical systems--systems in which the `cyber' aspects (computing, communications and controls) interact closely with the physical and biological world. Traditional notions of cyber and physical systems have been computer-mediated control systems. New cyber systems will perform sophisticated sensing, computing and decision functions that go far beyond simply closing dedicated feedback control loops. These will be sophisticated embedded systems exhibiting a seamless, fully synergistic integration of sensing, computation, and control with bio-physical devices and processes. New theory and methods for design of such systems are needed that are cognizant of their interactions - cyber engineers must translate requirements for the physical systems, such as stability, into computational requirements onto performance, power consumption onto cyber devices. On the other hand, new control, communications and signal processing theories are needed for integrated bio and nano substrates and platforms that incorporate bio-physical complexity and modes.

Event Details
Seatlle, WA - USA