Visible to the public CfP: 8th International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools (EOOLT'2017)Conflict Detection Enabled

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8th International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools (EOOLT'2017)

Munich, Germany | December 1, 2017 |

All accepted papers will be published in the Scopus-indexed ACM Digital Library.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2017
  • Author notification: October 9
  • Camera-ready: November 3
  • Evening welcome reception: November 30
  • Workshop: December 1

Please note that the workshop date is definitive. Other dates may be subject to change.


Contributions to this workshop focus on methodological aspects and describe new solutions for the design and use of equation-based languages. In addition to full contributions, shorter work-in-progress paper are welcome, offering an opportunity to discuss current approaches within the community.

Typical themes of the EOOLT workshop range from language design via modeling aspects to simulation code:

  • Design aspects of equation-based languages and their formal semantics
  • Relation to other languages such as functional reactive programming (FRP) or synchronous languages
  • Verification, type systems, and early static checking
  • Discrete-event and hybrid system modeling
  • Acausality/non-causality and its role in model reusability
  • Multi-resolution / multi-scale modeling using EOO languages
  • Model-driven development related to EOO languages
  • Equation-based modeling in the frame of system engineering
  • Reflection and meta-programming
  • Environments for modeling, simulation and debugging
  • Mathematical formalisms for simulation semantics
  • Code generation for real-time systems, embedded system, multi-core platforms, and distributed systems
  • Tools for analyzing or optimizing equation-based models


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit the following contributions:

Full length research papers: up to 10 pages for consideration by the program committee. Papers are welcome that offer presentations and discussions of existing languages and tools, their capabilities and limitations; reports on practical experience; demonstrations of languages, tools, ideas, and concepts; positions related to relevant questions; and discussion topics.
Work-in-progress papers: up to 4 pages for consideration by the program committee. Papers are welcome that offer presentations and discussions of work-in-progress and problem statements that can be thoroughly discussed during the workshop.

All submissions must describe original research work, not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The program committee will evaluate the papers' technical contributions, relevance, originality, correctness, and clarity.

Papers should be submitted as PDF-files, following the Templates (Please use ACM SigConf template). All papers should be submitted using the EasyChair conference management system. In case technical problems with the templates should occur you can address ACM's TeX support team at Aptara ( ) for help.

The Programme Chair is exclusively responsible for coordinating the paper selection process and may thus not submit any papers to EOOLT. Submissions (co-)authored by PC members are encouraged, but are subject to extra careful consideration as per the ACM SIGPLAN policy. It is EOOLT policy to allow the General Chair to submit papers as he or she is just an ordinary member of the Programme Committee when it comes to the paper selection.


If a paper has been accepted, the authors should present the paper at the workshop. All accepted papers will be published in the Scopus-indexed ACM Digital Library within the ACM international conference proceedings series (ICPS). For final publication, PDFs and source files will be required.
Copyright will be transferred to ACM digital library but the author still holds vital rights such as to:

Post the Accepted Version of the Work on the Author's home page
Create a "Major Revision" which is not subject to any rights in the original that have been granted to ACM
Reuse of any portion of the Work, without fee, in any future works written or edited by the Author, including books, lectures and presentations in any and all media

The exact regulations can be found on Work-in-progress papers are published in the proceeding just like normal papers are. They are simply marked as such and being limited in size to 4 pages.

Other Contributions

To allow for a more dynamic workshop format, the EOOLT PC will, subject to space in the program, consider proposals for other kinds of program points, such as tool demonstrations or discussion sessions on some timely topics in the scope of EOOLT. Such proposals will be judged by the PC as a whole on the grounds of how much interest they add to the workshop, and they should thus not be confused with formally peer-reviewed contributions. That said, if considered appropriate and useful, the PC may invite a short (1-2 pages) written outline for distribution at the workshop (clearly labelled to distinguish it from regular papers).

Simply send a brief e-mail to the conference Chair outlining your idea, by the same deadline as for the abstract submission (see above).