CfP: Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conference - SSSCC 2018 

Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities Conference - SSSCC 2018
25/05/2018 - 26/05/2017 | Obuda University (1084. Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.)
Organizer: Obuda University
Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina
IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security
Hungarian Association of Ph.D. and DLA Students (DOSZ)
- Abstract Registration Due Dec 31, 2017
- Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2018
- Notification Due Feb 18, 2018
- Final Version Due Mar 20, 2018
Abstracts are expected in connection to the primary indicators of Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities. Main topics of the Special Issue: The 3rd edition of the conference will include several smart, sustainable and safe cities related topics and will focus on issues of Critical Computer-Based Systems, Electrical Engineering, Informatics and innovative solutions in Smart, Sustainable and Safe Cities (for example reliable, safe and secure computing for smart-cities).
Subject Coverage
- Technologies for smart cities
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Information and data processing, algorithms, agents, simulation and prediction
- Best practices for smart cities transformation
- RFID based control system for smart city Transportation
- Intelligent Transportation Systems and technologies
- Computer-based systems for smart cities
- Intelligent Computing Systems
- Applications of artificial intelligence in smart cities
- Sensors, networks, smart and emerging technologies
- Smart city system security and privacy
- Urban computing for smart cities
- Smart city big data and open data
- Smart city sensing and IoT
- City environment monitoring and analysis
- City emergency management and infrastructures
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Control network and SCADA security
- Factory 4.0
- Smart cities are energy efficient cities
- Intelligent Manufacturing and automation
- Smart Materials and Systems for smart cities
If you have any queries concerning this Conference, please email the Organizers Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Tokody
Assoc. Prof. Ing. Tunde Kovacs, Ph.D.
Dipl.-Ing. Zoltan Nyikes -