Visible to the public C3E Workshops

C3E 2022 was held virtually Monday, October 27 Through Wednesday, October 19 and explored the theme of Cybersecurity and Software in the Supply Chain. The tracks looked at cybersecurity in compromised environments focusing on the role of AI and ML in critical systems and the human element, and at impacts on their resilience through the lens of system risk and mitigation.

Fall Workshop: Agenda | Challenge Problems

C3E 2021 was held virtually Wednesday, October 27 and Thursday, October 28 and explored the theme of Supply Chain Cyber Defense. Discussion was centered on technology capabilities and potential adaptation of acquisition and business practices - enabled by multiple types of evidence, cyber risk assessment, evidenced-backed assessments of systems of systems, and supply-chain issues for the supply-chain management and assessment tools themselves.

Fall Workshop: Agenda | Challenge Problem

C3E 2020 explored the themes of continuous assurance and economics of security. In lieu of in-person Spring and Fall workshops, a virtual speaker discussion series was held from August to October 2020. The goal of the speaker series was to provide for a continuing reflection on (new) approaches to system assurance, leveraging system migration (of security and features/capabilities) to high assurance achieved through realizing economy of scale and continous development/integration. Additional details about the schedule and presentations can be found here:

The C3E Fall 2019 workshop was held September 16-18, 2019 at SRI International in Menlo Park, CA. For 2019, C3E further examied key elements explored during the 2018 Workshop - the rol of the human in cyber environments. The workshop focused on the topics of cognitive security and human machine teaming in cyber.
Fall Workshop: Agenda | Challenge Problem
Mid-Year Event: Agenda

The C3E Fall 2018 workshop was held September 17-19, 2018 at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. The research workshop will focus on Machine Learning Vulnerability Analysis and Decision Support Vulnerabilities. A mid-year event was held on May 10 in Annapolis, Maryland
Fall Workshop: Agenda | Challenge Problem
Mid-Year Event: Agenda

The C3E Fall 2017 workshop was held at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, Georgia from 23-25 October 2017. The research workshop brought together members of SCORE and distinguished participants from academia, industry, and government to shape "leap ahead" cyber research. C3E 2017 looked at the overarching theme of Anticipating Future Threats and Response in Cyberspace. A mid-year event was held on 11 May in Annapolis, Maryland.

Fall Workshop: Agenda | 2017 Challenge Problem
Mid-Year Event: Agenda

The C3E Fall 2016 workshop was held at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, Georgia from 17-19 October 2016. The research workshop brought together distinguished participants from academia, industry, and government to shape "leap ahead" cyber research. The fall workshop drew upon past C3E themes of predictive analytics, visualization, decision-making and others. The workshop focused on understanding cyber dependencies and improving analytic context for cyber resilience.

A mid-year event was held on May 11, 2016 at the National Academy of Sciences Keck Center in Washington, D.C. The goal of the meeting was to sharpen the focus of activities for the Fall workshop.

October Workshop: Invitation | Agenda | Venue
May Mid-Year Event: Agenda | Challenge Problem | Worksheet | Venue

The C3E Fall 2015 workshop was held at the Carnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute from 26-28 October 2015. The research workshop brought together a diverse group of top experts from academia, industry, and government to examine new ways of approaching the cybersecurity challenges facing the Nation and how to enable real-time decision-making in light of the complex and adversarial nature of Cyberspace. The 2015 mid-year event was held 19 June at the Software Engineering Institute.

October Workshop: Invitation | Agenda | Challenge Problem
June Mid-Year Event: Agenda

The C3E Fall 2014 Workshop was held at the Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center on October 19-22, 2014. The fall meeting continued the exploration of work begun during the May 2014 mid-year event by focusing on two areas: security by default and data integrity.

October Workshop: Invitation | Agenda
May Mid-Year Event: Invitation

The C3E Winter 2014 workshop, originally scheduled for the fall of 2013, was held January 12-15, 2014 at West Point. The January workshop continued the exploration of work begun during the April 2013 mid-year event by focusing on two areas: navigating cyberspace and cyberspace consequences.

January 2014 Workshop (orginally scheduled for Fall 2013): Invitation | Agenda
April Mid-Year Event: Agenda | Summary