Reliable Autonomy for Human-Cyber-Physical Systems: NSF CPS Mini-Workshop
Reliable Autonomy for Human-Cyber-Physical Systems
NSF CPS PI Meeting Mini-Workshop, November 14, 2017
While the vast majority of methods and tools in cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been developed for fully autonomous systems, most engineered systems operate with a human on-the-loop, if not in-the-loop. A pervasive history of incidents and accidents in aircraft flight management systems, air traffic control, automobile systems, biomedical systems and devices, and other application domains attest to the unaddressed challenges inherent in the design of human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS). Transparency, trust, situational awareness, workload, and other factors have significant influence on overall system performance when humans interact with automation. Methods and tools for design of HCPS must account for the complexity of the human response, as well as challenges associated with accurate assessments of human state, incorporation of biometric data into the control loop, and effective communication and collaboration with the human. Interdisciplinary challenges arise in the need for modeling, simulation, and experimental validation.
This workshop seeks to envision the future of HCPS research. We aim to identify the most relevant challenges facing cyber-physical system researchers in HCPS, including (but not limited to) problems in human-robot interaction, societal-scale infrastructure, semi-autonomous vehicles and transportation systems, and neuro or mechanical assistive devices.
Invited Speakers:
- Nisar Ahmed, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Ella Atkins, University of Michigan
- Matthew Bolton, State University of New York at Buffalo
- Deniz Erdogmus, Northeastern University
- Lu Feng, University of Virginia
- Deepak Gopinath, Northwestern University
- Todd Murphey, Northwestern University
- Sanjit Seshia, University of California at Berkeley
- Nitin Sharma, University of Pittsburgh
- Siddhartha Srinivasa, University of Washington
- Andrea Thomaz, University of Texas at Austin
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or enquiries:
Sam Burden (, Meeko Oishi (, Dorsa Sadigh (, Ufuk Topcu (
The workshop's website is located at: