Visible to the public Understanding and Defending the Binder Attack Surface in Android

TitleUnderstanding and Defending the Binder Attack Surface in Android
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsFeng, Huan, Shin, Kang G.
Conference NameProceedings of the 32Nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4771-6
Keywordsattack surface, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Scalability
AbstractIn Android, communications between apps and system services are supported by a transaction-based Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanism. Binder, as the cornerstone of this IPC mechanism, separates two communicating parties as client and server. As with any client-server model, the server should not make any assumption on the validity (sanity) of client-side transaction. To our surprise, we find this principle has frequently been overlooked in the implementation of Android system services. In this paper, we try to answer why developers keep making this seemingly simple mistake by studying more than 100 vulnerabilities on this attack surface. We analyzed these vulnerabilities to find that most of them are rooted at a common confusion of where the actual security boundary is among system developers. We thus highlight the deficiency of testing only on client-side public APIs and argue for the necessity of testing and protection on the Binder interface -- the actual security boundary. Specifically, we design and implement BinderCracker, an automatic testing framework that supports context-aware fuzzing and actively manages the dependency between transactions. It does not require the source codes of the component under test, is compatible with services in different layers, and performs much more effectively than simple black-box fuzzing. We also call attention to the attack attribution problem for IPC-based attacks. The lack of OS-level support makes it very difficult to identify the culprit apps even for developers with adb access. We address this issue by providing an informative runtime diagnostic tool that tracks the origin, schema, content, and parsing details of each failed transaction. This brings transparency into the IPC process and provides an essential step for other in-depth analysis or forensics.
Citation Keyfeng_understanding_2016