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2017 CPS PI Meeting Demonstrations

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First Last Affiliation Project Title Project Award Numbers
Amr Alanwar UCLA CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack 1329755
Fatima Muhammad Anwar UCLA CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack 1329755
Ou Bai Florida International University CPS: Synergy: Sensor Network-Based Lower-Limb Prosthetic Optimization and Control 1552163
Mark Cartwright New York University CPS: Frontier: SONYC: A Cyber-Physical System for Monitoring, Analysis and Mitigation of Urban Noise Pollution 1544753
Shantanu Chakrabartty Washington University in St. Louis CPS:TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Internet of Self-powered Sensors - Towards a Scalable Long-term Condition-based Monitoring and Maintenance of Civil Infrastructure 1646380, 1645783, 1646420
Ram Dantu University of North Texas EAGER: Transformative Emergency Dispatch Protocols for a Sixty Second Response 1637291
Sandeep Dsouza Carnegie Mellon University CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack 1329644
Abhishek Dubey Vanderbilt University CPS-EAGER- Experiments with Smart City Hubs: Integration Platform for Human Cyber-Physical Systems In Smart Cities 1528799, 1647015
Vanessa Frias-Martinez University of Maryland Crowdsourcing Urban Bicycle Level of Service Measures 1636915
Nathan Fulton Carnegie Mellon University CAREER: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems 1054246, 1446712, 1739629
Yu Hen Hu Univ. Wisconsin - Madison, Dept. ECE CPS: Synergy: Smart Flexible Camera Sheet: Ultra-Thin Semantic-Guided Cooperative Micro-Camera Array 1329481
Neil Johnson University of Miami CPS: Breakthrough: Understanding Sub-Second Instabilities in a Global Cyber-Physical System 1522693
Zak Kassas University of California, Riverside CRII: CPS: Towards Optimal Information Gathering in Unknown Stochastic Environments 1566240
Thenkurussi Kesavadas University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign CPS: Breakthrough:Towards Resiliency in Cyber-physical Systems for Robot-assisted Surgery 1545069
Kaikai Liu San Jose State University EAGER: Creating a Community Infrastructure for Interoperable Emergency Connectivity 1637371
Marie Nguyen Carnegie Mellon University CPS: Synergy: TTP Option: Anytime Visual Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems 1446601
Miroslav Pajic Duke University CAREER: Foundations for Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems 1652544
Miroslav Pajic Duke University Synergy: Collaborative: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems 1505701
Bradley Potteiger Vanderbilt University CPS: Small: Integrated Reconfigurable Control and Moving Target Defense for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems 1739328
Umakishore Ramachandran Georgia Institute of Technology CPS: Breakthrough: Programming and Execution Environment for Geo-Distributed Latency-Sensitive Applications 1446801
Benjamin Schmidt RoadBotics CPS: Synergy: TTP Option: Anytime Visual Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems 1446601
Lalitha Sankar Arizona State University CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: A Verifiable Framework for Cyber- Physical Attacks and Countermeasures in a Resilient Electric Power Grid 1449080
Siddhartha Sikdar George Mason University CPS: Synergy: A Novel Biomechatronic Interface Based on Wearable Dynamic Imaging Sensors 1329829
Raphael Stern University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low Density Autonomous Vehicles 1446702, 1446715, 1446690, 1446435
Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar Conservation Biology Institute Collaborative Research: ABI Innovation: RUI: From Data to Knowledge in Grand Challenge Environmental Science Research: The VISualization of Terrestrial-Aquatic Systems (VISTAS) 1062572
Cynthia Sung University of Pennsylvania Collaborative Research: An Expedition in Computing for Compiling Printable Programmable Machines 1138847, 1138967
Janos Sztipanovits Vanderbilt University Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization: Active Resources 1521617
Yan Wan University of Texas at Arlington EAGER: Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response 1522458